Player 1 |
#player1 Matthew_Larocque Matthew Larocque
#player2 Wendy_McGrath Wendy McGrath
>Matthew_Larocque: AEEELNN H4 ANELE +12 12
>Wendy_McGrath: BCEH 6F BE.CH +26 26
>Matthew_Larocque: EFINNTT 4G F.TTEN +18 30
#note Not much here, this seems like the best play.
>Wendy_McGrath: FIKN G8 FINK +17 43
#note I think I'd risk the 29 at 3K, too many points.
>Matthew_Larocque: DEINOOO 11D NOO.IE +20 50
#note But not NOOKIER as I found out long ago. If you want to describe nooks, you need to play NOOKLIKE.
>Wendy_McGrath: AVW 12C VAW +27 70
>Matthew_Larocque: DEIIOOS 7J OI +7 57
#note Hmmm IODISE 3B? It's going to be a low scoring game by the looks of things, anyhow. Also I did not know TOCO.
>Wendy_McGrath: PZ K3 Z.P +28 98
>Matthew_Larocque: DEEIORS M3 OSIERED +82 139
#note Really one of the best draws I could have hoped for.
>Wendy_McGrath: EEMU L9 EMEU +15 113
>Matthew_Larocque: AACEHRX K11 AX +31 170
>Wendy_McGrath: BEY 13I BYE +21 134
>Matthew_Larocque: ACEHRTY N9 HEARTY +35 205
#note I feel like being aggressive with Wendy is okay, she seems like the type to always sacrifice points regardless of the situation.
>Wendy_McGrath: ?IQ O7 QIs +40 174
#note That could have been worse, unless she has the other blank.
>Matthew_Larocque: ACLMORU 10B CLAM +25 230
#note I couldn't remember which of *MUCRA/MUCRO was valid. No M13 UM because it takes an S now. I like AMU/ABYE.
>Wendy_McGrath: LOOW 14H WOOL +31 205
#note Extra bold!
>Matthew_Larocque: AAIORRU H14 .O +15 245
#note I was completely stunned when I had not a single word to play down there. Except (W)O! That is unfortunate.
>Wendy_McGrath: ADT 15G T.AD +17 222
>Matthew_Larocque: AAGIRRU O14 AG +14 259
#note I think I missed URARI this turn. I dunno, just trying to grind out an unspectacular victory. GRAI(N) is cool too.
>Wendy_McGrath: IORT 7C TORI +9 231
>Matthew_Larocque: AIRRUUV 3C URARI +18 277
#note Now I see it, but I'm literally keeping VU. VAIR for 29! The thought of keeping both Us was too ugly for me to see a play like VAIR.
>Wendy_McGrath: GLU 6B GUL +12 243
>Matthew_Larocque: ?INSSUV 8A VIS +21 298
>Wendy_McGrath: T E2 T. +2 245
>Matthew_Larocque: ?JNNPSU 1D JUPeS +66 364
#note I almost played *JUNIP! That is a scary thought. I would have came very close to losing if that gets kicked off.
>Wendy_McGrath: ADEGIRS D1 .A.S +24 269
#note This rack has no sevens! That's the only reason I would have still won if I had lost my turn.
>Matthew_Larocque: DNN 8G ..ND +15 379
#note I was happy to find the best plays here with minimal time.
>Wendy_McGrath: DEGIR C12 .IED +16 285
#note M13 ERG.
>Matthew_Larocque: N E10 ...N +9 388
>Matthew_Larocque: (GR) +6 394
#note 3-1 after a terrible first game!