Player 1 |
#player1 Debbie_Stegman Debbie Stegman
#player2 Jason Jason
>Debbie_Stegman: AQT 8G QAT +24 24
#note Hats off to Debbie, who arrived very tired on Friday night, started 2-5, and won seven of her last eight to finish 9-6.
>Jason: AADEITV 7I AVIATED +66 66
#note As I've seen AADETV, I think "I, I!" And yea, verily, it came to pass.
>Debbie_Stegman: FOOR O4 FOR.O +39 63
>Jason: ?DEIILR 9B DELIRIa +72 138
#note Only (A)IRfIELD, which is one of those words I always miss in study, scores more.
>Debbie_Stegman: APW 8A PAW +32 95
>Jason: AEEGMNR E5 MANG.ER +40 178
#note Gah! I knew I could've opened bingo-bango-bongo! I think GERMANE is just outside the prob. range I've studied. Damn. Still should've anagrammed it, though.
>Debbie_Stegman: ?ADEGIZ L7 .GAtIZED +90 185
#note Especially funny after the fact, since I'm playing on the same board I played Cecilia, where I blocked her AGATIZE.
>Jason: CEEIUVW 13I CUV.E +26 204
#note Not playing VIEW at F3 for 35 is a bad whiff.
>Debbie_Stegman: EFH F4 FEH +34 219
>Jason: DEHILWX K9 HEX +50 254
#note Ooh! WHILED at D1 for 46, keeping the X (and two I's by doubles)! Nice.
>Debbie_Stegman: EEMNS N10 MENSE +37 256
>Jason: DILOTWY M7 .OW +26 280
>Debbie_Stegman: AO 12L .O.A +16 272
>Jason: DEILTUY 4F .ETIDLY +30 310
#note The last one I looked at was the E ... wanted the I for (F)LUIDITY.
>Debbie_Stegman: LNU H1 LUN. +12 284
>Jason: JOOTUUY J2 JU.O +28 338
#note Debbie plays very fast, and most of her decisions look straightforward, so she was going faster than usual. I thought "WTH am I gonna do with this?!" and fortunately saw the star play quickly, as I wasn't in the greatest shape time-wise.
>Debbie_Stegman: AINOSTT 2J .OINT +24 308
#note Debbie was disappointed she missed STRONTIA through the R, but it wouldn't have fit anyway.
>Jason: AKORTUY 1M AUK +25 363
#note So wanted a four starting in K to put the hammer down, but alas, this is the best I could do.
>Debbie_Stegman: OR O10 OR. +9 317
>Jason: GOPRSTY 1D PORT.Y +14 377
#note POSTGR(AD) is sweet! This shuts down the only line I'm concerned about, though.
>Debbie_Stegman: CIS 3L CIS +27 344
>Jason: EGILNRS D1 .INGER +29 406
#note Hey, how'd I get a stem rack after playing off five? Doesn't outrun the out bingo, but I don't see one through the R anyway. Q says this wins only 75% of the time, however. If the B's in the bag, she can play BASTIN(AD)E! Therefore, Championship Player says GL(AD)'s the play.
>Debbie_Stegman: ABBINST C2 BIAS +29 373
#note Nice play. Best.
>Jason: ELS D11 ELS +8 414
#note Ooh, missed LE(AD)S for two more. Make up for my blown game vs. Debbie in Albany and even our head-to-head at 1-1. Go to 4-2 and guarantee myself a winning record at lunch.
>Jason: (BNT) +10 424