Player 1 |
#player1 cecilia cecilia
#player2 derek_martinez derek martinez
>cecilia: AABEERT 8G BA +8 8
#note Quackle says just play ABATE here. BA is too vowel heavy to be a good fish.
>derek_martinez: DIU I8 DUI +11 11
>cecilia: AEEGRTY H10 GYRATE +36 44
>derek_martinez: DEEY G12 EYED +28 39
>cecilia: ?AEISST 15G ..SSIcATE +77 121
#note Lol I had no idea I played a phoney until just now! It's very rare for me to spell things wrong, and this was a convincing enough mistake to trick Derek as well. There are two other 9s available here, both of which score more than mine.
>derek_martinez: INZ L12 ZIN. +24 63
#note Oops, he had ZIN 14M
>cecilia: FGNNRRV 13K F.RN +14 135
#note I regretted not playing the safer FRIG, but Quackle prefers FIRN.
>derek_martinez: ?EEFRSU O7 REFUgES +88 151
>cecilia: BGIMNRR N8 RIM +28 163
#note Quackle gives a slight edge to BRR J10, but RIM guards against a devastating X play
>derek_martinez: AH I13 HA. +26 177
>cecilia: BGNOQVW 12D VOW.. +22 185
#note I first put down BOW at J10 but too afraid to open the 2x2 after his last play. Quackle's favorite is VOG M7.
>derek_martinez: INPR E9 PRI.N +14 191
>cecilia: ABGNOQT C11 QAT +36 221
>derek_martinez: ENOX J6 OXEN +22 213
>cecilia: ABDGLNO M7 BOGAN +30 251
#note Correctly managed not to play BOXEN#
>derek_martinez: CILP K3 CLIP +20 233
>cecilia: ACDELOT 4H COL.ATED +82 333
#note lucky me
>derek_martinez: JU M2 JU. +20 253
>cecilia: EHILOOR O1 HOO. +24 357
>derek_martinez: W 8L W... +11 264
>cecilia: EEGIILR 12J LE. +17 374
#note A play like PIE 9E or GIBE 6G will likely give me more flexibility in the endgame.
>derek_martinez: AD 11J AD +22 286
>cecilia: EGIIIOR 9E .OI +11 385
>derek_martinez: EMNOV 7D VENOM +21 307
>cecilia: EEGIIRT D3 GRIE.E +22 407
#note I knew I should block STUCK, but couldn't immediately see the way to do it (TRICE), and as usual I'm out of time.
>derek_martinez: AKLSTU H1 STU.K +33 340
>cecilia: IT B13 IT +6 413
>cecilia: (AL) +4 417