Game Details
Player 1
#player1 kate kate
#player2 cecilia cecilia
>kate: ?EEEINN -?E +0 0
>cecilia: IOORRST 8H OR +4 4
>kate: AADEINS 9D NAIADES +66 66
>cecilia: EIORSTU E5 OUTR.ISE +82 86
>kate: JOT J6 JOT. +30 96
>cecilia: EIMOTZ K5 TOM +23 109
>kate: EFIV 8A FIVE. +39 135
>cecilia: AEIRTYZ L1 ZAIRE +50 159
>kate: DELNORT 12D R.DOLENT +70 205
>cecilia: BCEOTTY D2 TOBY +23 182
>kate: GIN 1L .ING +42 247
>cecilia: CEELNTU 2G NUCLE.TE +80 262
#note FECULENT?? Doesn't ring a bell at all. Google search autocompletes to "feculent vomiting condition"
>kate: NPY H1 P.NY +39 286
>cecilia: AELOPUV C1 OUPA +26 288
>cecilia: AELOPUV -- -26 262
#note I still think it's stupid that they added OPA and not OUPA#, but what's frustrating is I have a better, valid play that I was too lazy to look for.
>kate: IQS C1 QIS +30 316
>cecilia: AELOPUV F5 UPO +29 291
>kate: BDI 10B BID. +17 333
>cecilia: AEEILRV 13I LEAVIER +79 370
#note lucky me
>kate: ADGM N10 GAM.D +26 359
>cecilia: ?CEFOSW 14J WO +30 400
#note setting up my S? and sensibly refraining from playing SCREWOFF at A1
>kate: AEIKLRW 13F AW +21 380
#note Cute setup for the K, but WAILER looks like the best option for Kate, pulling even in score and going for blanks. Even assuming S? for me, WAILER is 23% to win (10% for AW).
>cecilia: ?CEFHSX 15F CHEFS +46 446
>kate: EIKLR O8 KEIR +29 409
>cecilia: ?AAGHUX O13 .AX +33 479
#note HeX at 10G is 3 points better
>kate: ?AELN B10 .ANgLE +14 423
>kate: (AHU?G) +16 439
Player 2
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