Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Trish_Harrop Trish Harrop
#player2 Josh_Greenway Josh Greenway
>Trish_Harrop: ILLO 8G LILO +8 8
>Josh_Greenway: AEEENTU 7G ETA +13 13
#note in absence of knowing E(L)UATE or E(L)UTE, this seems fine. This is my first game ever against Trish.
>Trish_Harrop: EIRU J8 .URIE +7 15
>Josh_Greenway: EEGINSU 10J .UG +4 17
#note Missed SEIGNEU(R), which would have beenmuch better than (R)UG
>Trish_Harrop: ?DEGIST - +0 15
#note exchange 7
>Josh_Greenway: EEINPRS K2 REPINES +73 90
#note happy to know this bingo, since I lot in a game in Oshawa not having the balls to play it. Of course, I didn't even know if LILOS was good, but I went for it.
>Trish_Harrop: ACNO 4I CA.ON +18 33
>Josh_Greenway: DDEINNP M2 PI.NED +22 112
#note seems safe, and quackle doesn't hate it
>Trish_Harrop: AEOZ 12H ZO.AE +48 81
>Josh_Greenway: DEINSUV H12 .EIN +39 151
#note missed dizens, but I think I like VUDS as a leave over VU
>Trish_Harrop: GY 13G G.Y +22 103
>Josh_Greenway: DGMOSUV 6E VUG +13 164
#note missed the nice GUMD(R)O(P)S but was concentrating on moving the VU
>Trish_Harrop: OOX N5 OXO +56 159
#note ouch!
>Josh_Greenway: DEIMOST O7 MOISTED +89 253
#note OK, so this is a phony. I swear someone played this against me at some point. I felt pretty sure about it - but it's no good. Trish was changing out a pen that had run out of ink, and I made sure not to draw quickly here because I wanted her to challenge - but she never held, so I completed the play. I'll have to remember MODISTE/DISTOME and not MOISTED* in the future
>Trish_Harrop: BDEKMQT 9N Q. +11 170
>Josh_Greenway: AEJMNTT N12 TAJ +25 278
#note defensive, and scores
>Trish_Harrop: ??AARRS 15B ARRAig.S +57 227
#note I held on this for a long time, even though this looks about right. this is a classic example of a word that I really don't know how it's spelled. I didn't challenge since it only scored 57
>Josh_Greenway: DELMNNT O2 MELD +12 290
#note I guess I'm just trying to score a few points and take away a scoring lane here? Also hoping to pick up a vowel or two
>Trish_Harrop: ABEEH E2 BEHA.E +28 255
>Josh_Greenway: FLNNTVW 3C FL.W +20 310
#note no vowels, and a big scoring play now exists off the middle left triple. I figured quackle would say exchange here, but instead, I take FLEW for 20, which quackle actually agrees with!
>Trish_Harrop: HO N1 HO +24 279
>Josh_Greenway: AFNNTTV 14B FA +22 332
#note at this point just trying to hold on and score some points - not a great play - I guess I'm hoping I can use my V for V(AR) next turn?
>Trish_Harrop: BIT 13C BIT +20 299
>Josh_Greenway: NNRTTUV D7 TURN +7 339
#note So this play does not appear on quackle's list (I think because this is on the old dictionary - I should really fix that, no?). I make this play because I'm freaked out about the remaining S or R or D hooking onto BEHAVE and this is the best way I can think of to shut it down
>Trish_Harrop: DW 8C W.D +23 322
>Josh_Greenway: ACENSTV 11A VACS +14 353
#note Drawing the last S I can relax at this point. I believe she later tells me the previous TURN play was key as she was ready to lay down some points. I have her tracked at this point, and drop the V into the triple row
>Trish_Harrop: IIKORY B10 K.Y +20 342
>Josh_Greenway: ENT K12 .NTE +4 357
#note Hooray - I'm 3-0 so far
>Josh_Greenway: (IIOR) +8 365
Player 2
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