Game Details
Player 1
#player1 baker baker
#player2 cesar cesar
>baker: AFIQR H4 FAQIR +42 42
>cesar: ?EEGLUV 5G V.GUE +18 18
#note god damn it i missed vengeful. -23
>baker: DEO 4K DOE +11 53
>cesar: ?AEILTU 8A vAULTIE. +74 92
#note REqUITAL is a bit better because it's more defensive. -0.5 wait, but AUnTLIER sims best. so i don't know.
>baker: LOO 6K LOO +7 60
>cesar: AEIIIOU -IIIOU +0 92
#note _maybe_ i should just keep the E. thought he was vowel heavy and i was vowel heavy so the bag was consonant heavy? -2
>baker: EERRSST B8 .SSERTER +70 130
>cesar: AAEEFKS 15A F.EAK +39 131
>baker: JNTU D11 JUNT. +24 154
>cesar: ADELNSX 7K LEX +42 173
#note XED is going to be easy to miss for a while. -4
>baker: AZ I3 ZA. +28 182
>cesar: AADEHNS 9B .HA +21 194
#note quackle is super aggressive. it likes J2 HA MUCH more than my SHA. come on, let me play at my own pace, jesus christ. -10
>baker: BOT E10 BOT +30 212
>cesar: ?ADENSV J7 iNVADES +72 266
#note this is the only game i double blanked my opponent but it doesn't count because he opened vertically.
>baker: IMR N4 RIM +28 240
>cesar: EHIIOOW 8M OHO +28 294
#note HOWDIE/WOODIE/etc. leave. -5.5 (OWE F10 is also fine. why would i not just play that?)
>baker: AW F10 AW +26 266
>cesar: EEIITWY I10 YETI +21 315
#note ugh game 8 and i lost 6 in a row to start the day, so that's how i MISSED YETI ON THE OTHER SIDE. wyte 3L is much better anyway. -16.5. scrabble sucks.
>baker: CMU H13 CUM +26 292
>cesar: BEGIIWY F14 BY +29 344
#note now i'm seemingly unaware that RIM takes any hooks. -8 GYBE
>baker: DO 3L DO +13 305
>cesar: EGIINPW 15H .EWING +13 357
#note yeah i saw HEWING but wanted to block the M as it looked more dangerous than the O. of course quackle doesn't appreciate the finer points of defense sometimes. w/e -6.5
>baker: GN G8 .NG +11 316
>cesar: EIIINPP M10 PIPIN. +22 379
#note or PIEING
>baker: L 11H L.. +4 320
>cesar: AACDEIR 2J ACARID +29 408
#note i feel like the top was blocked off and i wasn't opening anything with ACARID but i was; ridiculous. but how did he miss OESTRIN too? maybe this annotation is slightly wrong.
>baker: EINORST E1 TENORIS. +66 386
>baker: (E) +2 388
Player 2
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