Player 1 |
#player1 Mike_Baker Mike Baker
#player2 JD JD
>Mike_Baker: AELVY H4 VEALY +30 30
>JD: GKMRRTV 6G M.RK +20 20
#note even with exchanging. I liked setting up the MARKA hook in case he didn't spot it.
>Mike_Baker: BOOS K3 BOOS +23 53
>JD: DEGPRTV 4J V.G +14 34
>Mike_Baker: OU 8H .OU +6 59
#note well that was lucky
>Mike_Baker: INORSTT 13E TRITON.S +60 119
>JD: AEELNNS 12I LA.EN +18 129
#note I really liked setting up my S with only one more left.
>Mike_Baker: AB H13 .AB +15 134
>JD: AEEINSU F12 U.EA +6 135
#note the other competitive option is EUPNEA, further setting up my S. sim is a dead heat. TAB kinda suggests a strong rack, so I'm ok with my choice
>Mike_Baker: AACEFIT 5A FACETIA. +80 214
#note nice one
>JD: EINOQST F4 Q. +11 146
#note couldn't resist taking a shot at NOTIFIES 3x3 instead of QIS for 38. Quackle actually agrees.
>Mike_Baker: HOOW A1 WHOO. +45 259
>JD: EFINOST B2 OF +25 171
#note I thought about playing IF instead of OF with six more Is remaining, but EINST is just intrinsically wayyyy stronger, pushing me from a 57% bingo chance to 77%
>Mike_Baker: JSU N10 JUS +32 291
#note opens a better lane for me to bingo than EINSTEIN.
>Mike_Baker: HOPT O8 PHOT +38 329
#note this is a pretty bad sequence for me.
>JD: AAEEELR 3K .AA +13 252
#note I desperately have to create some kind of other lane on the board, since he can block column C easily next turn. I thought this was a pretty creative try - drawing a blank good easily let me bingo here.
>Mike_Baker: INWZ 8A WIZ.N +51 380
#note at this point I'm pretty dead. maybe I can draw some miracle 100-plus point -ING bingo if he forgets GELDER.
>Mike_Baker: GGIM 1L MIGG +41 421
#note mike continues to crush every opening I develop
>JD: ?EEIILR A8 .IfELIER +83 357
#note perhaps the new wireline hoping to draw a challenge?
>Mike_Baker: ?ADEINX F8 sAX +42 463
#note ZANDER/NIX is the best sequence.
>JD: CDRY 5M R.D +4 361
#note best, blocks DENI his only out and saves ICY. DRY or DEY are equally good.
>Mike_Baker: DEIN G9 DIN +20 483
>JD: CY 13A .CY +16 377
#note again, not much I could've done! mike played a strong game and scored every time I opened a spot.
>JD: (E) +2 379