Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Cynthia_Seales Cynthia Seales
>JD: BNOOOTU 8G BOO +10 10
#note yet another first-turn blunder. I didn't think BOUTON was good.
>Cynthia_Seales: INZ J6 ZIN +38 38
>JD: EINOTTU G8 .OUT +7 17
#note didn't come upw with ZINE/ETUI scavening a bunch of extra points.
>Cynthia_Seales: BIN F10 NIB +13 51
>JD: EEEIKNT 9I EEK +24 41
>Cynthia_Seales: AADT 5I DATA +24 75
>JD: CEGINOT 6H CO. +17 58
#note COIGN scores pretty nicely, and EGINT isn't really that much stronger.
>Cynthia_Seales: ?AEILRS 13D RESAILs +64 139
#note solitaire!
>Cynthia_Seales: AILV H12 V.AL +33 172
>JD: CEFIOTX F6 XI +52 186
>Cynthia_Seales: AAL D4 AAL +28 200
>JD: CEFGJOT L4 J.G +22 208
#note FOG/FLEX sets up nice cheap J dumps that are unlikely to get blocked.
>Cynthia_Seales: ADY D12 D.AY +24 224
>JD: CEFOQRT 8D Q. +21 229
#note TREYF at 15A makes sense, scores well, blocks the best scoring spot on the board and gives me one turn to fish for QI for 44.
>Cynthia_Seales: LNU 15A LUN. +21 245
>JD: CEEFORT C6 FE +20 249
#note I took a long time on this move. the game is tied and my best advantage is likely to be that I'm closer to a bingo, so I decided to open a good lane on column B.
>Cynthia_Seales: HM 14J HM +27 272
>JD: ?CEORTW C2 COW +25 274
#note I saw WOTCHER but didn't realize it had been added to TWL. not bingoing is just about equally good.
>Cynthia_Seales: DDEOR 15K ODDER +31 303
>JD: ?EERSTT 1A TESTERs +80 354
>Cynthia_Seales: AEP 14M APE +23 326
>JD: GIOPRSU 9C GI. +17 371
#note I felt it was very important to block the easy bingo lane on column B, but it also isn't worth very much, and I'm likely to get good comebacks. also by focusing there I lose to any other random bingo she might have. UPO at 13L looks pretty good, blocking miracle -ER 9s or even just high-scoring 8s.
>Cynthia_Seales: EHNOST O8 HONEST.. +36 362
>JD: OPRRSUV 11K PROV. +20 391
#note unorthodox to empty the bag here, but it felt extremely important to dump the V now, and I'm not up enough to sacrifice points just to block a bingo (only a 1% chance anyway). the only alternative that quackle digs up that I like is GUV at 6L. GUV is probably a safer play in general but cynthia chuckled at her draw after HONESTER, which suggested to me that her rack was poor. Also the OPRRS leave seems inflexible on this board, so I think this is an OK try.
>Cynthia_Seales: AEIIIMU 14A AMI. +24 386
#note best is MAT at 13M by 1 point.
>JD: FNRRSUY G1 .URFY +11 402
#note I chucked away a whole 14 points on this endgame, but still enough to win. actually her rack is so terrible that the best endgame is an out-in-3!
>Cynthia_Seales: EIIU K9 .E.I +10 396
>JD: NRS 2G .RNS +6 408
>JD: (IU) +4 412
Player 2
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