Player 1 |
#player1 cesar cesar
#player2 morris morris
>cesar: AABDOTU 8H ABOUT +16 16
#note -.5, in the other spot
>morris: BEE 9G BEE +16 16
>cesar: ACDEIPR 10F PI +14 30
#note i chickened out on PICRATED. i am an inadequate scrabble player. (all joking aside i really should play words that i am not totally sure of. i was just pretty down because i had lost 5 in a row and wanted to be sure of what i was playing. I would have played PICRATED in many other situations as i was actually reasonably sure it was a word). -44
>morris: EEW 10I EWE +19 35
>cesar: ACDEILR 11H CRED +31 61
>morris: DEGO H11 .ODGE +30 65
#note i thought about holding this phony. (wow, two levels of indirection there).
>cesar: AIKLTVZ 11C KIVA +26 87
>morris: AADERST D8 RAD.ATES +72 137
>cesar: ?EGLTUZ C7 LEZ +46 133
#note i took the 4-pt sacrifice (instead of ZEK) to give myself better chances of bingoing asap. -1.5
>morris: FLU 15A FLU. +21 158
>cesar: ?AGRTUX 14B AX. +33 166
>morris: HOPRT E5 THORP +37 195
>cesar: ?GIQRTU L4 QUIR. +28 194
>morris: GOSV 3I VOGS +27 222
>cesar: ?GNNTUY J2 Y.UNG +21 215
>morris: IW 14F WI. +15 237
>cesar: ?EMNOTY F6 MY +31 246
#note i missed tenotomy but at this point not bingoing is better.
>morris: FILM G3 FILM +23 260
>cesar: ?EENOOT 13G O.E +9 255
#note i passed up EcOTONE here but didn't see bOTONEE. i would have played the latter (and he probably would have 3-3ed on me because he had an awesome rack iirc) -19
>morris: T 15H .T +2 262
>cesar: ?DENORT L10 RODENT +31 286
>morris: ?AENNRT B1 NoRTENA +68 330
#note stupid new words
>cesar: ?CINOSS A7 CaSINOS +82 368
#note quackle is super smart. i am quite likely to bingo if i play CONIN at 14J (and even if i don't, like drawing the J, i have a good shot at winning with it, like JNANA, JOSH, etc why don't i think of these things?)
>morris: AEIIJLN 14J JI.NI +56 386
#note i mistracked him twice here. it didn't matter.
>cesar: AAHIO A1 AHA +30 398
>morris: AEL F2 LEA +12 398
>morris: (IO) +4 402