Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joe_Edley Joe Edley
#player2 JD JD
>Joe_Edley: ABNOO 8D ABOON +16 16
>JD: ?ALQTUX F6 QU.TA +36 36
>Joe_Edley: DIOP E8 .IPOD +26 42
>JD: ?CEJLRX D11 LEX +28 64
#note my options here are either burning a blank for 49 points or setting up an easy X play, hardly ideal. against joe I would much rather keep a volatile leave, because bingoing will help turn the game into an open encounter as opposed to the defensive slog that he prefers.
>Joe_Edley: BEG C12 BEG +36 78
#note joe is a master of defensive control on these kinds of boards.
>JD: ?CJORWZ 7B COZ +26 90
#note colossal mistake, I was trying to play faster because time pressure had really cost me against joey but I saw my best move about 5 seconds after hitting my clock. JAW is devastating, setting up a strong CORZ? bingo leave, whereas now I will have to wait several turns to get any bingo down at all.
>Joe_Edley: ADEI B9 IDEA +16 94
>JD: ?EIJRTW 14A JI. +22 112
>Joe_Edley: ?AEPRTV 7H oVERAPT +69 163
>JD: ?ELRSTW 15C SWELTRy +96 208
>Joe_Edley: DOOW 8L WOOD +51 214
>JD: EMNRRST 9J TREM +25 233
#note REM is the play. the pool is unusually vowel-heavy, so keeping NRST is unusually likely to fill in well. In fact, playing REM ups my bingo percentage from 15% to 30%! however, this ended up working out really well for me...
>Joe_Edley: EEK - +0 214
#note joe challenged! guess we all struggle with the new words.
>JD: CHLNRSS 9D S..H +32 265
>Joe_Edley: EEK 10L EEK +32 246
>JD: CILNRSV J6 V.N.IL +19 284
>JD: CILNRSV -- -19 265
#note sad...I liked this play much better than my other options, but unfortunately it's CSW-only. I think I kind of knew deep down, but felt that it was way better than my alternatives. losing my turn drops me from a 75% favorite to about 50-50 to win.
>Joe_Edley: AY 6J YA +28 274
>JD: CILNRSV 5K VIRL +26 291
#note I thought it made sense to set up my S here, although he can score more on row 4 with this positioning as opposed to 5H.
>Joe_Edley: ADGNS O1 DANGS +35 309
>JD: CGINRSU N10 .ING +9 300
#note although I'm not down that far, I need to figure out how best to maximize my advantage in holding the last S. Quackle suggests a couple of good ideas: UNCI at G3, which will fill in well with the 4 remaining Is, and CUT at G13 which sets up a nice bingo lane on row 12 that could trouble Joe. I thought my play was creative and reasonable - it may not be easy for Joe to block. In retrospect I like UNCI just for the scoring heft.
>Joe_Edley: AIRY O12 AIRY +30 339
#note pretty unfortunate that joe has such a good blocking play - it's hard to imagine a worse-case scenario than this other than him having FAIRY
>JD: ACINRSU 2K UNCI. +14 314
#note a few reasonable options here. I didn't think of just taking the points of AJI for 30 which keeps me in striking distance, although joe gets first crack at A8-11 and I don't have a lot of great ways to score. I like this play because it sets up a fantastic lane on row 3 that will be really tough for joe to block, but it does put me at a deficit - I basically have to bingo to win from here on out. I'm OK with my choice here.
>Joe_Edley: EIMT A8 EMIT +27 366
>JD: AAFIRSU 14E FA +16 330
#note geez, I'm not even sure if I saw FUSARIA. probably the most important thing is to bingo at all costs, so I'm not sure AJI is a good idea since AFRSU is not that potent. FAUNA at 12K looks fantastic, setting up another dangerous lane, dumping the U and scoring decently. would've made a massive difference, especially given how well I drew...
>Joe_Edley: EH 4L HE +22 388
>JD: AEINRSU 6F .I +11 341
#note had I played FAUNA I would've been fishing to ARSINE, with probably a 6/8 shot of hitting my fish! I just didn't have the time to find it - would've made a huge difference. But at least in this position I found the non-intuitive best fish, which is dumping the I and keeping AENRSU trying to draw an unblockable final bingo of ARENOUS.
>Joe_Edley: EFLOOTU A14 .O +27 415
#note unfortunately he has both Os so I lose.
>JD: AENNRSU H1 UNREAS.. +36 377
#note didn't have the time to realize I was giving him an out. best is SUNNA at 1H.
>Joe_Edley: EFLOTU 4D OUTF.EL +20 435
#note FLOUTER is two more.
>Joe_Edley: (N) +2 437
Player 2
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