Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Jesse_Day Jesse Day
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGOSX 8G GOX +22 22
>Jesse_Day: BILNTVY G4 VYIN. +13 13
#note JD: my decision-making on this play is mysterious. just underlapping the X with IVY or NIB looks perfectly fine. in fact, IVY sets up my B if he can't play on row 8! VYING is also 10 points of defense worse than NIB. poor move!
>Joshua_Sokol: AAENRSU 9H NU +15 37
#note Josh: bad. What was I trying to accomplish? Keep things closed? Failed. Going for a bingo? Failed. Scoring? Failed.
>Jesse_Day: BLOTT 5B BLOTT. +22 35
>Joshua_Sokol: AAAERRS 6B AA +12 49
>Jesse_Day: ABDILRS A6 BRIDALS +88 123
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEIRRS E3 AR.ERIES +58 107
>Jesse_Day: ADDO B8 DADO +25 148
#note I was not previously familiar with CLADODIAL, the adjectival form of CLADODE! would've been a pretty cool find at C4.
>Joshua_Sokol: ENOOOUZ D9 OUZO +30 137
>Jesse_Day: ?CEIIPY 4D P.I.Y +44 192
#note convenient move!
>Joshua_Sokol: AEEJLNO H1 JOE. +42 179
>Jesse_Day: ?CEEIRT 1D REIn.ECT +67 259
#note Josh: Scoring the blank N as 1 for a total of 68. JD: my bad. I picked the play here to avoid opening huge comebacks, which plays like ORECTIVE or COTERIES do.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?AEELNO 2K ALOE +10 189
#note Josh: F10 EON. Stupid
>Jesse_Day: AILMSSV 3K VIM +32 291
#note JD: I think cashing an S here (VIMS at 3K) is overly conservative. I was down on spread to the other contenders in the tournament, and bingoing on row 13 or column O would help. it would've prevented his next play, but his bingos will always fit anyway.
>Joshua_Sokol: ?EEIINT O2 sIENITE +75 264
>Jesse_Day: AEGLQSS 6N Q. +31 322
>Joshua_Sokol: EEFGHMN N8 FEH +22 286
>Jesse_Day: AAEGLSS 4L SAG. +21 343
#note Jesse: I can also block row 11 with a play like GALAS, but the pool is really short on vowels so I was keen to retain the A also. There are a ton of bingo tiles, so my rack has a good chance of transforming into a bingo.
>Joshua_Sokol: CEFGMNR 12C G.NEF +9 295
#note Josh: I had no idea what I was doing this game. M9 FEM obviously was my first choice, but I had no E, and this seemed to make it easier for me to bingo in the near future than FEM. I knew he had the S, so I need to open the board in different ways than the donation of S hooks. I don't think this is the right play. I think I have to play FEM and hope he doesn't have an E or something. JD: FEM looks like too many points to pass up to me.
>Jesse_Day: AELNOSW M9 WON +24 367
#note Josh: Oh, and the champ Jesse *HELD* GONEF. I felt like such a baller for the few seconds he was thinking about it. JD: big mistake here on my end, playing the N drops my bingo percentage from 50% to 32%! I figured there were many more consonants available, but the leave is just much stronger.
>Joshua_Sokol: CMNRRTW -MNRTW +0 295
#note Josh: or should I exchange 7 for perfect information? I don't think that strategy is useful in this situation, especially since I knew he had the S.
>Jesse_Day: ADEIKLS L8 KADIS +45 412
#note JD: trying to guarantee the win by cashing my good leave in. a clever way to maximize spread is LAKED at row 12 to set up a big scoring play hooking WONKS.
>Joshua_Sokol: ACHPRTU K11 HUP +30 325
#note Josh: K11 HUT apparently.
>Jesse_Day: ELMNRTU 11F MERL +15 427
#note Josh: -7 to RUM(BA). I thought Jesse had another E instead of his T, so I told him how bad his endgame was, and that he would be so much better if he didn't spend too much time early in his games.
>Joshua_Sokol: ACERTW 13G TWER. +19 344
>Jesse_Day: NTU 5J NUT +10 437
>Jesse_Day: (AC) +8 445
Player 2
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