Player 1 |
#player1 Rafi_Stern Rafi Stern
#player2 Jesse_Day Jesse Day
>Rafi_Stern: AIIOSTT 8G IOTA +8 8
>Jesse_Day: CEEIQTY G7 Q. +21 21
#note playing TYEE at 9G sims rather well, but against a canny player of Rafi's skill, I think he will find a way to keep the board very tight, leaving me stuck with the Q.
>Rafi_Stern: IOPSSTX 9G SPOT +30 38
>Jesse_Day: CEEIITY 10I YETI +20 41
#note sims pretty even with EYE at 10H. I thought this was a good time to open the board, because SPOT indicates he could have an S - in that case, if he blocks on row 11, he now has a major advantage over me in terms of being able to bingo.
>Rafi_Stern: EEEIOSX -EEIOX +0 38
>Jesse_Day: CEINNOT L5 COTIN.NE +72 113
>Rafi_Stern: EGINSVY 11E GYVES +31 69
>Jesse_Day: EMOORWX M11 OXO +31 144
>Rafi_Stern: ?AAACIN 12B ACAI +15 84
>Jesse_Day: AEEFMRW N13 FEW +23 167
#note difficult choice between FRAME and FEW. I thought that FRAME would leave the board permanently volatile, whereas FEW gives back some scoring plays, but doesn't really open anything. if Rafi gets down a bingo after FRAME then my AEW leave has the potential of going south in a hurry.
>Rafi_Stern: ?ABNRUU 13E BUNRAkU +66 150
>Jesse_Day: ADEHMRR 14B HAREM +49 216
>Rafi_Stern: EEEIIRS H11 .E.IE +18 168
>Jesse_Day: DEFGRTV 15A VEG +29 245
#note I could also play VEX/VUG and save my E. covering row 15 is nice, but there's just as big of a scoring spot in existence on the right. close call. VUG wins the sim by a point.
>Rafi_Stern: EEHIORS 15L HO.E +42 210
>Jesse_Day: DDFGMRT -DDFGM +0 245
#note time to exchange? quackle thinks DUG at K12 is OK, but only turns over two tiles in a bag featuring a blank, two esses and two power tiles. I didn't want to play something like FROM at 6J because it opens up row 5 for rafi.
>Rafi_Stern: ADEIRSU 6J DU. +8 218
>Jesse_Day: BDORRTZ O10 BORT +13 258
#note again, plays at K12 sim well, but this seems like a great chance to block column N and hopefully draw a good scoring Z play.
>Rafi_Stern: AAEILRS N10 AL +14 232
>Jesse_Day: ADIJNRZ 5I ZIN. +37 295
#note lucky to have such a strong blocking play. makes rafi's life much much harder.
>Rafi_Stern: AEIORSS M2 ROES +24 256
>Jesse_Day: ADEEJMR 2J JAR.ED +60 355
#note luckily for me, he didn't think of the ZINCO hook, and I got my big J play down.
>Rafi_Stern: AADIIST O2 .ADAIST +33 289
>Jesse_Day: ?EKLMNP K12 L.N +13 368
#note rafi didn't have any bingo threats I could think of. I liked keeping the MP synergy on my rack and retaining the K for N6. playing the K now might let me bingo if he makes a desperation opening.
>Rafi_Stern: IILLNRW I3 WI. +19 308
>Jesse_Day: ?EFKMPU H1 PEaK +57 425
>Rafi_Stern: DGILLNR N6 GI +16 324
#note best is GRILLE at 2C to block FUME
>Jesse_Day: FMU 2E FUM. +11 436
>Jesse_Day: (DLLNR) +12 448