Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
#player2 Doug_Lundquist Doug Lundquist
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?IMTTUY -MUYT +0 0
#note October 25th Chicago Scrabble Episode 6: Press the Button! My second missed bingo of the tournament after vIOLABLY and this one for sure I knew I missed. This should have been a win. It wasn't. It was my first tie. My exchange was bad. Kept IT?. -48 LOL. SO bad.
>Doug_Lundquist: AAW 8F AWA +12 12
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?EIIOTX 9H XI +19 19
#note 4th best play! F5 IXIA is best. -10.2
>Doug_Lundquist: ABR 7F BAR +26 38
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?EIIOTU -IIOU +0 19
#note Best play! Lol. I kept ET? and made the best exchange.
>Doug_Lundquist: DDIJNOO -OODD +0 38
#note Doug also exchanged.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?DEHNRT I1 THRoNED +72 91
#note Best play! Also !0I plays for same amount.
>Doug_Lundquist: ADPRU 1D UPDAR. +30 68
>Jonathan_Lindh: CEGNOQV 4H C.VEN +24 115
#note Best play!
>Doug_Lundquist: ORU K4 .URO +8 76
>Jonathan_Lindh: BDGIOOQ L7 DOG +9 124
#note 6D Good. This was overly paranoid. -15. SO BAD.
>Doug_Lundquist: AINO 2D NAOI +19 95
>Jonathan_Lindh: BHIOQSZ 10J QIS +38 162
#note Best play!
>Doug_Lundquist: AIU J10 .UAI +13 108
>Jonathan_Lindh: BHIKOTZ 13I K.BITZ +52 214
#note Bets play! 5 of my first 8 plays were best plays and the other 3 were just dreadful.
>Doug_Lundquist: CEOS N11 CO.ES +32 140
>Jonathan_Lindh: AHILOTY 15L HO.T +33 247
#note 4th best play! 15J TOYISH for 48 is best and probably ices the game on the spot. This is -15.8 and another terrible play. My equity is closing in on -100
>Doug_Lundquist: AFGLU 14F FUGAL +41 181
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEEILLY 15B AIYEE +17 264
#note 13th bets play! 6C ILEAL is Quackle's best but I wanted to mae it hard for Doug to go on row 15. Only -5.9 back. I'm tempted to this again.
>Doug_Lundquist: EEV E1 ..VEE +20 201
#note This is phony. Only PAVEED. Change #2 to clinch this game blown.
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEFLLPT 4C FL.D +16 280
#note 7th best play! Like the last play, this is blocking so Quackle doesn't evaluate this as well. Judging by Doug's body language, he has picked up the last blank so I'm not playing too open. -7.1 but I'd do it again.
>Doug_Lundquist: EGI 3A GIE +18 219
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEJLOPT A1 JO. +33 313
#note Best play! 6 of my plays have been best plays. In addition, 2 of them were blocking plays that I'd probably do again.
>Doug_Lundquist: ?AEIIRS D4 .AIRIESt +60 279
#note Only bingo for Doug! If I do 2nd best EELPOUTT E11, Doug hits GASIFIER A3 for a ton. I think he sees it too.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EELNPRT 11I P.T +14 327
#note 2I HELPER. Mr -999.9 Point Endgame Man has returned from a relaxing vacation. -20.3
>Doug_Lundquist: EOS 15H OES +40 319
#note That sound you here is -999.9 Point Endgame Man laughing at his incompetence. No wait. It's his incontinence.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EELNNOR C8 TREEN +14 341
>Doug_Lundquist: LMMNTWY B10 MY +29 348
>Jonathan_Lindh: LLT F7 ..LL +8 349
#note Mr. -999.9 Point Endgame Game Man is now on vacation again. I actually played the last two turns correctly. I think.
>Doug_Lundquist: MNNOW 14B NOM +23 371
#note Doug's endgame is correct. He's no -999.9 Point Endgame Man.
>Jonathan_Lindh: T 11B ...T +12 361
#note I get this down for a pathetic tie. 8 of my 16 plays were best plays. 2 were blocking plays I'd do again given the board dynamics. The other 6 were just...just...
>Jonathan_Lindh: (NW) +10 371
Player 2
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