Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Akkarapol Akkarapol
#note he held on the new word
>Akkarapol: AHLNO 7F HALON +25 25
>JD: EEILOTZ -- -91 18
>Akkarapol: AJSW 9F JAWS +35 60
#note aaargh. only consolation is that he was going to score a lot on column A after ZEOLITE. still atrocious decisions on my part.
>Akkarapol: FOOPR D4 PR.OF +28 88
#note it was good to get some fast moves in, because akkarapol is one of the few players who plays as slowly as I do. he really ran out of time toward the end.
>Akkarapol: AKRT 8A KRA.T +36 124
#note he played KRAFT fast, but was already down to 15 minutes or so.
>JD: AEEINOV 10B VEENA +29 124
#note this is a much poorer move than I realized at the time. ENVOI leaves better tiles and doesn't create a dangerous scoring spot. I was probably in a hurry to make a play to keep the time pressure, but failed to come up with the much better choice.
>Akkarapol: ACIL 11D LAIC +28 152
>JD: DFINOOT 12A FOOD +32 156
#note another rushed play, with 6 Is and just one O left I should've at least considered FOID. but the INT leave is so much more synergic than NOT that it's still an even sim result.
>Akkarapol: DEMTU 4I MUTED +23 175
#note again, he burned lots of time on this move.
>JD: INSTUVY H11 STIVY +43 199
#note good to flip some tiles over with both blanks lurking, no down the motive of his last move
>Akkarapol: NQ 13G Q.N +23 198
>JD: ?INNTUU 3K UNI +16 215
>Akkarapol: DEGGOSW K8 SWOGGED +86 284
>Akkarapol: DEGGOSW -- -86 198
>JD: ?AINTUX A12 .AUX +42 257
#note ideal for me, quick play forcing him to come up with a reasonable alternative with his same rack that he just phonied with.
>Akkarapol: DEGGOSW 15D DOGG. +13 211
#note I like the idea - keep SW for potential high-scoring bingos on column K.
>JD: ?EINRRT 2G pRINTER +68 325
#note I can't play VERATRIN here with the other blank lurking.
>Akkarapol: AGSW 1L GAWS +42 253
>Akkarapol: BE (challenge) +5 258
#note GAW# suddenly looked unfamiliar.
>JD: AEEIIIR O1 .ERAI +6 331
#note after his last play and my post-bingo draw, I'm by no means out of the woods yet. I thought it was imperative to block the S, from which he could score some big bingo scores, but he can also do that just as easily on column K. I also thought that if he bingoed next turn I should be able to outrun him because he'd end up with a 5-tile endgame rack and I should win by out-in-two. Quackle firmly prefers an exchange which maximizes my chances of picking the blank and avoids me having to play through junk. Most importantly though, by exchanging now, I ensure that Akkarapol's rack is poor if he bingos next turn (since he would get all the vowels that I exchanged). Had I realized this, I would've chosen to exchange.
>Akkarapol: BE B4 BE. +14 272
>JD: ?DEEIIR 14H .ERIfIED +78 409
#note I couldn't see any 3x3s that would beat me, and thankfully after BEZ there aren't any (ANTECEDE is gone). So this is a sure win, but playing TIE at 12H is probably the spread play - I am pretty much sure to bingo out, and I block a few bingos like SUBTEEN/SUNBEAT# that he could have on column K.
>Akkarapol: BCEENSU O12 BE.U +30 302
#note UNBEDS# the play
>JD: AIT 13K AIT +13 422
#note ITA for 2 more. not my finest game, ZEOLITE was moronic, but SERAI in particular was a serious misread of the game, and I was lucky to draw the blank and get bailed out of my poor decision.
>JD: (CENS) +12 434