Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Weibin_Toh Weibin Toh
#player2 JD JD
>Weibin_Toh: ?ADEISW H4 WADdIES +78 78
>JD: AEEEFHI G9 FEE +21 21
>Weibin_Toh: EFLL F10 FELL +31 109
#note I have a couple of other good options here - HANIWA at 4D, which opens a good new lane on row 3 and keeps a slightly better leave, and INIA at 14C which sets up my H nicely for FELLAH. I really like INIA! My play is pretty good.
>Weibin_Toh: GNOW 3K GOWN +31 140
>JD: AAEIORT K2 A..O +10 55
#note I can score with TOEA, but a lot of Es are already gone, so mine is unusually valuable. quackle also likes IO at 5J which is kind of a defensive fish. Dead heat between my play and the other two mentioned on sim, but I need to bingo ASAP so I like mine.
>Weibin_Toh: BG 2J B.G +16 156
>Weibin_Toh: ADEPRTU D7 .APTURED +74 230
>Weibin_Toh: BKOY (challenge) +5 235
>Weibin_Toh: BKOY 1G KYBO +43 278
>JD: ALMNQTU 8A QAN.T +44 202
#note lucky to have scoring plays that also open the board.
>Weibin_Toh: DGI 6F GI. +18 296
>JD: LLMPSTU B8 .MPUL +15 217
#note I didn't know PELLUM#, by far the star play on this turn, which plays all the same letters as my play, but also leaves the A open and opens new lanes on the bottom-right as bonus. The S hook for SWADDIES remains.
>Weibin_Toh: DIIOR M8 .IROID +22 318
#note in this particular universe, PELLUM would've led to me not bingoing at all, so guess it's a good thing I didn't know it :P
>Weibin_Toh: RTZ 12L R.TZ +46 364
>JD: AEESUXY N2 U.SEX +69 360
#note all of a sudden, I have a chance...possibly there could be some justification for playing EUTAXY instead holding the S, but this is too many points.
>Weibin_Toh: CIN O12 .INC +45 409
#note if he hadn't had a Z play on this turn it could've made a huge difference, but he kept ZINC when he played RITZ in the first place, he said later
>JD: AEIJRSY H12 JE.R +57 417
#note fantastic draw after UNSEX still gives me a chance. quackle really wants me to fish with either JAY at 5G or JAXY through the X, going for a game-winning bingo on row 3, but at that point all toh has to do is block on row 2 and there are literally no bingos I can possibly play. So I think I must play JEER here.
>Weibin_Toh: ?ACMOOU 2B MOtUCA +36 445
#note I believe his last tile here was the O. MOTUCA wins 7/8 from his perspective, because if he plays MOTUCA and draws the A, my play of NOISY on row 1 outruns his best outplay by 2 points. Quackle doesn't turn up any 8/8 wins, but I found one with Q's assistance - COMOUS at 3C wins 8/8 because he draws good outs with all tiles. MOTUCA is still a nice find on his part under time pressure.
>JD: AIINOSY 1A YONI +32 449
#note I missed my best out here by 10 points, NOISY at 1A for 40, probably because of ST blindness. In fact, if I hadn't challenged RAPTURED or MOTUCA# and then find NOISY, I would've won the game by 2 points! at least I still made it close.
>Weibin_Toh: OT C13 TO +11 456
>Weibin_Toh: (AIS) +6 462
Player 2
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