Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Naween_Fernando Naween Fernando
#player2 JD JD
>Naween_Fernando: AAAILSS 8H ALIAS +12 12
#note NF: sims best
>JD: CEFNOOO L4 COOF. +20 20
#note JD: I had FOO blindness on this play. FOO scores so much more on average next turn that it's the right play here.
>Naween_Fernando: AEFLOST J5 FOL.ATES +65 77
#note JD: an odd sim - the winner ends up being ANON at K8. However, I think this result is wrong, because it requires me to score an average of 48 per turn with ENOZ on subsequent turns, and I think Naween will play much more defensively than Quackle does on a sim. with that said, ENZONE# is the play, the ENN leave is very poor.
>Naween_Fernando: EEGIIJY H7 J.YGEE +18 95
>JD: AEEENNN M5 ENE +14 64
#note JD: I wanted to create a bingo lane that didn't require an S, since the board is tight and I'm at a deficit. I prefer this to LEAN at I8
>Naween_Fernando: EEEGIIX K8 .GEE +19 114
>JD: ?AENNNQ -NNQ +0 64
>Naween_Fernando: EIIIVXY 12F VI. +6 120
#note JD: I believe this was his actual rack? after my exchange he foresaw an imminent play on row 13 and sacrificed many points to block. bold!
>JD: ?AEILNW N7 WEALINg +70 134
#note NF: I held this for a while not being 100% it was phoney. I saw the options available on row 10 and figured I couldn't effectively block his options in the short-term....Also my rack was deteriorating and WEALING* gave a nice 56 point comeback, while maintaining a degree of board control and a small lead. JD: amazingly, I got away with another phony. I thought it was good, and I didn't like opening by bingoing on row 10. I also had EEW blindness, otherwise, AWL fishing for a -NIZE bingo is a reasonable play.
>Naween_Fernando: EIINX O8 XI +56 176
#note JD: ouch
>JD: ADNTTTU O11 TAUNT +24 158
#note JD: DAUNT or TAUNT are very even on the sim
>Naween_Fernando: EINWY L11 WINEY +36 212
>JD: AABDTTU 15H BATT. +30 188
#note JD: being down, playing DAUBY here would be a big upgrade, creating a much more dangerous bingo lane - didn't think of it.
>Naween_Fernando: HI 14I HI +16 228
#note NF: VIERS/RIBA is best - did not see...
>JD: ADEQRUU J1 QUA +25 213
#note JD: love this play, sets up another potential huge scoring play that might be tough for him to block
>Naween_Fernando: ABCIRR 4C BARRIC. +28 256
#note NF: CABRIO may be better defensively but I needed to score now with the Q spot opening.
>JD: DDDEORU 1H RO.UE +45 258
#note JD: I really agonized over the choice between ROQUE and DOD at 3B, to the point of almost using up all of my time. ROQUE puts me in the lead, but DDD is dreadful and there are very few vowels left, so the odds of the rack fixing itself are really poor. On the other hand, even if I keep DERU, there are really few places to bingo, and I'm not all that certain to draw another big Q play. But in retrospect DOD must be the play, at least the DERU leave offers the prospect of big plays with fortuitous tile draws, whereas even a perfect draw doesn't improve the DDD leave much.
>Naween_Fernando: EIMPR 5A PRIME +30 286
#note NF: #note I have no idea why PHENE m3 sims 54.85% whilst all other options are < 50%...Jesse is starting to run low on time - I say a Hail Mary and slap down PRIME
>JD: ?DDDPSU 6C DUD +20 278
#note JD: quackle unearths a brilliant option here, PUDDY# at 9D, which I didn't know was good. by setting up SPUDDY# I suddenly have a great lane to try to hit that will be difficult for Naween to block with other scoring hotspots open on the board.
>Naween_Fernando: AHKN 3A KHAN +42 328
>Naween_Fernando: DEILRRT (challenge) +5 333
#note JD: I challenged ABID#.
>JD: ?DOOPSS A5 .OOD +21 299
#note JD: I ran out of time and missed the fantastic play of OS at 13G, creating a new lane that will be very tough for naween to do anything about. I am not certain at all to draw a bingo given the tough pool, but my play basically never wins at all. Quackle also really likes SOP at M1, but that empties the bag and from there naween should win just by playing smartly down from the P at A5.
>Naween_Fernando: DEILRRT 1H .....TED +54 387
#note JD: with the actual pool I was completely doomed anyway, as it turns out.
>JD: ?GMPSSV 9D PiGM. +15 314
#note JD: I was way over time and trainwrecked this. correct play is MIG at G11 to create two spots for SPIVS. I was trying to play GIPSY to set up VIMS
>Naween_Fernando: ILRR A1 IL. +21 408
>JD: SSV G3 V.S +10 324
#note JD: should block his out of ERR by playing ES for 4. no time.
>Naween_Fernando: RR N1 .RR +6 414
>Naween_Fernando: (S) +2 416
#note JD: my worst-played game of the tournament so far without a doubt, but probably also the toughest in terms of decisions. altogether my morning was a very mixed bag. more sleep probably could've helped. in my defense, this was not an easy game, but DOD could've totally changed the timber of the game (and then finding OS at the end, although the bag had already doomed me).
Player 2
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