Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Adam_Logan Adam Logan
#player2 JD JD
>Adam_Logan: DOPRU 8D PROUD +22 22
#note yet another brutal opponent in Adam Logan! What a challenging field for the day.
#note a pleasant rack to start with against adam.
>Adam_Logan: ?AAIITT 9G TITAnIA +65 87
>JD: BGOOORS 12A BOOS +44 118
#note weak play in retrospect. on such a wide open board, keeping ORS boosts my bingo percentage by 16%. already feeling the time pressure from adan perhaps?
>Adam_Logan: DEIV 8L DEVI +37 124
#note well, there's the kind of tile-drawing that can make up for a poor play...
>Adam_Logan: ELU A12 .LUE +18 142
#note I knew ROOTIES#/TOORIES#, just not worth the minor risk of my memory deceiving me for 2 extra points, and this also interferes a bit with column O.
>Adam_Logan: AFIL 4L FAIL +30 172
>JD: ADIKMTU B9 DAK.IT +32 281
#note a really weak play with a tough rack!! this play is particularly atrocious because the JQX and Z are all unseen and I have just created a golden location for their placement, which I am immediately punished for. I think I wasn't looking for UTU overlaps and so I missed the easy play of TUMID on row 10.
>Adam_Logan: IJZ A8 JIZ +71 243
#note well, I deserved no less
>JD: EGHMOUW 10J HUG +34 315
>Adam_Logan: AERY E11 AERY +25 268
#note because I let adam hit JIZ, he now gets to embark on a multi-turn fishing expedition for a high-scoring bingo.
>JD: AEEMMOW 4G EMMA +26 341
>Adam_Logan: TV M3 V..T +14 282
>JD: BDEOUWW O1 BOW. +27 368
>Adam_Logan: N 13A ..N +10 292
>JD: CDEEIUW 10F WED +23 391
#note OWE looks obvious, but the consonant-vowel ratio in the pool at the moment is unusually extreme so I decided to play an extra consonant. Again, I'm not even sure if I saw UTU for WUD, but WED looks better with the Q lurking in the bad. Q much prefers OWE on sim regardless of the bag since the pool is really quite ugly and the D will probably help me score better.
>Adam_Logan: ?ELNRSY O8 .NLaYERS +92 384
#note unfortunately for me adam drew the Y, which allows him to bingo for the most of any tile he could've drawn...
>JD: ACEHIQU 15H QUAICHE. +125 516
#note unbelievably, he gave me a massive spot for a counter-bingo of my own! I hesitated on whether to play it because losing a turn could well cost me the game, but I might be able to lose the game if I settle for an alternative play like CHEQUE anyway. So I went for it.
>Adam_Logan: EEFGNNN 12K GENN. +18 402
>Adam_Logan: EFN (challenge) +5 407
#note probably knew that GENNIES# was good, but uncertain enough to challenge
>JD: APX 14D P.X +31 547
#note this game was likely my finest act of tile-drawing of the tournament.
>Adam_Logan: EFN 3E NEF +19 426
>Adam_Logan: (A) +2 428
Player 2
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