Player 1 |
#player1 Jeffrey_Jacobsen Jeffrey Jacobsen
#player2 Josh Josh
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: EGMR 8E GERM +14 14
#note My first game lifetime against Jeffrey! This was exciting.
>Josh: AEIINQT 9D QI +14 14
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: ABDNY I4 BANDY +24 38
>Josh: AEILNNT G4 INTE.NAL +60 74
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: ERVW 10F W.VER +21 59
>Josh: ABDHIOS D9 .ADI +28 102
#note I missed the word DHOBI exerywhere this turn. Sloppy turn. I much like K5 DHOBIS for 36 here. Though it was early in the tournament and spread was important, and QADI is definitely the spread play, as it allows for a more open board to suit my lead as well as my leave.
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: DDEI 4I .IDED +18 77
>Josh: BHOOSXY C10 BOXY +48 150
#note Luckboxy
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: AELV F2 VALE +19 96
>Josh: EHOPRSS 3J HOPES +38 188
#note jeez
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: GORT 2J GROT +33 129
>Josh: AAIKORS E11 ASK +32 220
#note This again was a sloppy play. E5 KA is correct here. I had this overthought scenario in my head of blocking everything but AS words down column B.
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: EFZ 11I FEZ +37 166
>Josh: AAAIORU -AAAIORU +0 220
#note I had this hint that he didn't have very good tiles with FEZ, so I thought it was a great idea to go for the goodies. I should probably keep AR without that inference.
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: NNOW 13E .NOWN +14 180
>Josh: ?CFLRSU B5 FULCRaS +72 292
#note Sneaked this by. If it's challenged off, he's screwed anyway. Already running low on time and will either open a spot for me or shut himself down probably.
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: AELM 12J MALE +28 208
>Josh: AEHINOT A1 ETHION +37 329
#note Was mighty distracted this turn. I missed H12 H(W)AN and H13 (W)HO, both of which aren't better than this but still.
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: EO H13 .OE +18 226
>Josh: AAGIIPT 13K PITA +32 361
#note This was definitely a spread-gaining play. I missed 6D PAT(T)I(N)G and PIt was just fine, but I didn't like the leave at all.
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: AU 2A .AU +6 232
>Josh: AE 14M AE +11 372
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: ?ORSTTU 15B TORTUr.S +58 290
>Josh: CEGIIOR E5 GI +14 386
#note Not sure what this was about
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: IJU B14 U. +4 294
>Josh: CEIOR K2 ...E +10 396
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: IJ 7B .I +3 297
>Josh: CIOR L1 C... +11 407
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: J - +0 297
>Josh: IOR L1 ....R +11 418
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: J - +0 297
>Josh: IO B2 .I +7 425
>Jeffrey_Jacobsen: J - +0 297
>Josh: O 13B O. +8 433
>Josh: (J) +16 449
#note I misread my writing and I overscored him by 20! He accepted! Bleh sportsmanship bleh.