Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jim_Burlant Jim Burlant
#player2 Patricia_Barrett Patricia Barrett
>Jim_Burlant: ADEIINO 8D OIDIA +14 14
#note I couldn't decide what was right here and after debating between this and fishing of OI for 4, I felt that, since anything keeping a decent leave had vowel placement issues, I should just take the 14 points. A sim indicates that this position is a matter of style preference. The 10th best option wins within 1% and sims within 2 points of the best choice. Any of the placements of OIDIA, 8H OI, IODINE are good. Exchanging IO or AIO are also good choices.
>Patricia_Barrett: BGLO 7D BLOG +23 23
>Jim_Burlant: ADEMNNY 9C MYNA +27 41
#note Good play, but not quite best in Quackle's eyes. Q likes 9E DENY and 9C MANED a little better, presumably because they don't open up the huge spot for an H. I dunno - I think it's a little too early to be that worried about one of only 2 H's considering that this scores well and leaves me the best remaining combination of tiles I can have after this rack. I'm fine with this.
>Patricia_Barrett: AESV E5 VA...ES +40 63
>Jim_Burlant: ADEENOR 11B REA.ONED +59 100
#note Only bingo - 60% to win in a short sim.
>Patricia_Barrett: CHNO D11 .NCHO +22 85
>Jim_Burlant: EEERSTY H11 .YERS +36 136
#note Chose this over EYRES because I wasn't 100% sure EYRE took the S and wasn't taking chances. That said, if the duck is to be believed, I should just fish with YEH 14B. Maybe, maybe not. 67% to win.
>Patricia_Barrett: INW 15A WIN. +21 106
>Jim_Burlant: EEEIIST I9 EI.E +11 147
#note The rest of the options (e.g.: ICE 13C, 14D HIE) leave me EEIST which isn't bad, but it does have a little more potential to leave me vowel overloaded than EIST. This is best.
>Patricia_Barrett: IOZ 13A ZOI. +30 136
>Jim_Burlant: ?EFIOST 14G F.OSTIEr +74 221
#note Thought I might have missed something better, and I did: TREFOILS scores 86 at 14G, and SEMISOFT on row 15 scores 83. Still in good shape at 87% to win.
>Patricia_Barrett: Q L13 Q. +11 147
>Jim_Burlant: EHLNORS 15M HER +24 245
#note Saw SHEN (one of the new words) and wasn't entirely sure of it, so, as I did with EYERS, took the sure 24. I played off the R because LNOS struck me as a hair better leave-wise and there are 3 R's unseen and only 1 N. If I'm more sure of my words, SHEN is the play here. Given the board position and score, the consolation is that I have room to get away with this mistake. Her only bingo lines are row 5 (the V isn't the easiest thing to extend into an 8) and the J column (which will only yield air balls).
>Patricia_Barrett: AT 10A TA +8 155
>Jim_Burlant: AELNOSX J8 OX +18 263
#note I thought that she was awfully close to something, and that she probably had at least one, if not two, of the three unseen E's in her rack. I felt that if I played off my E to play something like EXALT or NEXT down the A column, I wouldn't see one again and I'd be in a potential dogfight if she hit down the J column. I felt that, since the 18 points added 10 more points to my lead and left me a good combination (especially with EEERRRTTTT unseen) that could reply to her probable bingo.
>Patricia_Barrett: TT 9H T..T +13 168
>Jim_Burlant: AAEELNS 7I ALE +14 277
#note And the strategy pays off...except that I suck and fail to recognize the new 8, ELASTANE, which would have double-doubled through the T in TEXT. Bleah.
>Patricia_Barrett: F 8J .F +11 179
>Jim_Burlant: AEILNSU L1 INULASE +70 347
#note At least I find this. Yippee. It's this or its new anagram, INSULAE, and I'd rather not give her the S to play to.
>Patricia_Barrett: ?ACEITT 5G CApIT.TE +68 247
#note Other bingo options are PITTANCE 2G and ChAPATTI 5H.
>Jim_Burlant: BDGJKPR 3K B.RG +14 361
>Patricia_Barrett: MO 4H MO +15 262
>Jim_Burlant: DDJKNPU 1H PUNJ. +42 403
>Patricia_Barrett: APW 3G PAW +29 291
>Jim_Burlant: DDGKLRR F11 .RG +4 407
#note Yikes! Just shuffling tiles to end the game and not wanting to play CAPITATED until she's played off the V so I don't give her an easy DIVE.
>Patricia_Barrett: EIUUV N1 VU. +14 305
>Jim_Burlant: DDKLR 5G ........D +11 418
>Patricia_Barrett: EIU 6L .I +4 309
>Jim_Burlant: DKLR 12H ..RK +11 429
>Patricia_Barrett: EU 13F .E. +11 320
>Jim_Burlant: DL 4H ..L +7 436
>Patricia_Barrett: U G2 U. +4 324
>Patricia_Barrett: (D) +4 328
Player 2
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