Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matthew Matthew
#player2 Janny Janny
>Matthew: ?DEEEFU 8D FEUED +26 26
#note best word, third by placement
>Janny: EHY 7G HEY +29 29
>Matthew: ?BEELOS D5 BEE.aLOS +74 100
#note best
>Janny: DEOV E2 DOVE +24 53
>Matthew: ADLLLNY 2B LAD.Y +36 136
#note DELAY E7 best, mine 2nd
>Janny: BO 3C BO. +21 74
>Matthew: CLLNSSW 11C C.WLS +20 156
#note best
>Janny: AINR 6H RAIN +15 89
>Matthew: ALNNNSV -ANNV +0 156
#note VAN 1A best, mine horrible naughty, bad
>Janny: AETZ 1A ZETA +54 143
>Matthew: EIILNRS L4 RESILIN +71 227
#note INLIERS 5H best, mine 2nd
>Janny: COTU 8K C.OUT +21 164
>Matthew: AAINRTT 5J TA. +12 239
#note ATTAIN 1F best, mine outside top ten - this was interesting in that even my play was only 3% worse to win than ATTAIN, only five valuation points off
>Janny: AEHM K10 AHEM +20 184
>Matthew: AAGINRT J10 GAR +23 262
#note AH 11J best, mine 8th

I went for the points for once, and Q actually wanted me to fish. That seems opposite of normal
>Janny: GIINOR 1F ORIGIN +26 210
>Matthew: AAINRTV 4E .AV +9 271
#note VAIN L12 best, mine off the board

And so hrer Q said take the points, whereas I fished
>Janny: EJ 6B JE. +26 236
>Matthew: AIKNRTU A6 AUK +32 303
#note KRAUT A4 best, mine outside top 10
>Janny: WX 9C W.X +25 261
>Matthew: AINORRT N8 .RINATOR +70 373
#note best
>Janny: EIQU 15K QUI.E +45 306
>Matthew: ?FINPPS 14M P.P +15 388
#note FLIP F10 best, mine 4th
>Janny: DEGIM O3 MIDGE. +11 317
>Matthew: ?FINNST 2J FINeS +45 433
>Matthew: ?FINNST -- -45 388
#note whoops
>Janny: OO C11 .OO +12 329
#note This ended the game, as there was a T still in the bag
#rack1 ?FINNST
Player 2
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