Game Details
Player 1
#player1 M_Baker M Baker
#player2 Verbie Verbie
>M_Baker: EFZ H7 FEZ +30 30
>Verbie: DDEFJKR 8D JERK.D +26 26
>M_Baker: BIRRSTU E3 BURRI.ST +70 100
>Verbie: ADFIMPY 6B FAI.Y +27 53
#note D(U)MPY 4D 34 has an equivalent leave (or at least stays 7 better than this)
>M_Baker: AEPY 10B PEA.Y +24 124
>Verbie: ?DEGMNP 4D D.MP +18 71
#note iMPUGNED 78. Loss of 26 equity here. Curiously I saw IMPINGED to an I unavailable.
>M_Baker: AEILL 5G ILEAL +14 138
>Verbie: ?AEEGNU 11F EUGlENA +69 140
>M_Baker: DEO 6J DOE +17 155
>Verbie: ?IIOSTU 12K OI +10 150
#note TUI 12J is a couple extra points and drops the U, rendering it a 4 point improvement despite shedding the T
>M_Baker: CELNO 13I CLONE +26 181
>Verbie: ?IOSTUV N7 OUTVIeS +75 225
>M_Baker: BEGNO C9 B.GONE +24 205
>Verbie: EIILNTT O1 INTITLE +76 301
>M_Baker: AQU N1 QUA +41 246
>Verbie: AEGNRWX 14B R.WAX +62 363
>M_Baker: HO D12 HO. +30 276
>Verbie: DEGIINS 15E DINGIES +89 452
>M_Baker: ANO 9G A.ON +26 302
>Verbie: AACRRSW 8L CR.S +51 503
>M_Baker: EHMOTTV M2 HOVE +32 334
>Verbie: AARW I1 AWAR. +9 512
>Verbie: (MTT) +10 522
#note used 393 seconds.
Player 2
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