Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Nick_Ball Nick Ball
#player2 JD JD
>Nick_Ball: DUUW 8G WUDU +16 16
>JD: AAEEJWZ J6 JE. +26 26
>Nick_Ball: ORTV K4 VROT +25 41
>JD: AAEFWYZ 4I WA.Y +26 52
#note not intuitive, but I felt that this would sim best, and it does. this play limits his options way more than any plat at L6, and saves FEZ as a backup for next turn.
>Nick_Ball: ABDDEN L6 BANDED +26 67
>JD: AAEFLQZ K10 FAZE +43 95
#note argh, WAQF blindness!
>Nick_Ball: EF 3L FE +18 85
>JD: ALNOPQR H7 Q.OP +15 110
#note PROLAN at N2 is a good try also, setting up QI for next turn.
>Nick_Ball: MU 10F UM. +9 94
>JD: ALNNRSV F9 V.LN +7 117
#note given nick's sacrifice of points to set up the double-double on column E, he had to be extremely close to a bingo. probably still best to just take the 30 points for VANNERS, ANRS is not that close to a bingo and both blanks remain.
>Nick_Ball: ?EENORS 14I ENdORSE +82 176
>Nick_Ball: AEIRU N2 URAEI +20 196
>JD: BELOOTX 15G BOX +45 293
>Nick_Ball: DIM 13G MID +24 220
>JD: EHLOPRT 12C PHE.OL +31 324
>Nick_Ball: ?AGIINT D8 AIrT.ING +64 284
>Nick_Ball: CIKL B7 LICK +33 317
>JD: EIIOSST C12 .OI +16 365
#note I have both the remaining esses so I can just keep fishing for a bingo on column E - no better way to score points.
>Nick_Ball: GY 2M Y.G +12 329
>JD: AEEISST 1L AE +9 374
#note yup, this happened
>Nick_Ball: O I3 O. +6 335
>JD: (ACEENOT) +18 460
Player 2
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