Player 1 |
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 George_Bissonnette George Bissonnette
>Noah: EHOOQTT 8H TOOTH +24 24
#note Yes, despite the weird leave, it's better to take the points. Besides, all of the As, Is, and Us are still left, meaning by turning over 5 tiles, I have a very high chance of drawing one.
>George_Bissonnette: INX 9G NIX +38 38
>Noah: CEGNNQW L4 WENC. +26 50
#note Again, taking the points and hoping for a chance to dump the Q later is just the right idea.
>George_Bissonnette: EKPU 10D PUKE +22 60
>Noah: AEGIMNQ E9 Q.AG +28 78
#note There's no doubt this is a bad decision. MAQ(U)I or (U)MIAQ are clearly better.
>George_Bissonnette: BDEU 12B BUD.E +18 78
>Noah: EEILMNR 13A LIME +27 105
#note I didn't see (TOOTH)IER, which is basically tied with this, or just a little better.
>George_Bissonnette: UV A13 .UV +18 96
>Noah: EJLNNRY 5K J.NNY +30 135
#note Oh hey, that play at... 6J! Hehe.
>George_Bissonnette: ?IIOPRT N2 POI.TIeR +72 168
#note One reason I want to play better people. He took 3 minutes to find this!
>Noah: EFLNRTU O1 LEFT. +48 183
>George_Bissonnette: IR 8H .....I.R +30 198
>Noah: EINRRSU 13F RUINERS +61 244
>George_Bissonnette: EF - +0 198
#note Um, challenging? Really?
>Noah: DELNORS H12 D.OL +21 265
#note Is it just me, or has Quackle totally lost it's mind. D(I)NO sims best here??? I've always thought of ENRS as much better than ELRS, and this is the last N, whereas there is still an L left in the pool!! Someone please explain it to me.
>George_Bissonnette: EF 14J FE +28 226
>Noah: AEINRSV 15K INVAR +30 295
#note Quackle likes VAIRS by a very small margin. However, against a human opponent, I don't buy it for a minute. He needs to open up the board to win eventually, and then the S will be a stronger tile.
>George_Bissonnette: AR K3 RA. +15 241
#note Sure enough, there's the opening.
>Noah: AAEEIOS K8 .OEA +8 303
#note I was really happy about this play. I evaluated the bag and figured it was worth it to keep the 3 vowel-1 consonant ratio.
>George_Bissonnette: AY J10 YA +28 269
>Noah: ?AEEIMS 3D MEASlIE. +61 364
#note To quote Carl, it's always annoying to make a great fishing play and then draw the blank. SMEArIE(R) and StEAMIE(R) are a little bit better than this.
>George_Bissonnette: DGO H1 GO.D +21 290
>Noah: AAACDOT 2C CODA +20 384
#note I really wanted to block the lane at row 1. It turns out, there are no bingos there! CODA at 4C, my other consideration, then, is clearly better here, scoring more. Plus, this gives away a Z spot.
>George_Bissonnette: GISZ 4A ZIGS +58 348
#note Proof to why the 4D placement is better.
>Noah: AABELTT A1 BLA.E +48 432
>George_Bissonnette: EHOSW 6A SEW +25 373
#note Wow. How do you miss WHOSE?? I told him about it after the game, and he said oh, that's a good find.
>Noah: ATT 12L ATT +10 442
>Noah: (HO) +10 452