Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Steve_Bush Steve Bush
#player2 Thomas_Reinke Thomas Reinke
>Steve_Bush: ADEEILM 8B LIMEADE +76 76
>Thomas_Reinke: ?DEFIVY B2 FErVID.Y +88 88
#note Only bingo with these letters, must be my lucky game.
>Steve_Bush: OTY A1 TOY +28 104
>Thomas_Reinke: ?AABORW G4 BROA.WAy +68 156
#note Again, only possible bingo with these letters.
>Steve_Bush: EHT - +0 104
#note Challenged.
>Thomas_Reinke: AEEINVX H11 EXINE +61 217
>Steve_Bush: EHT C1 ETH +36 140
>Thomas_Reinke: AAIJRTV H1 JAVA +50 267
>Steve_Bush: AKLNP F10 PLANK +39 179
>Thomas_Reinke: GIORRTU E2 GROUTI.R +68 335
#note Only bingo with this rack.
>Steve_Bush: Q 6A Q. +11 190
>Thomas_Reinke: CEGILNS 13B SILE.C.NG +82 417
#note Easiest disconnected nine ever? Possibly.
>Steve_Bush: FHO 12A FOH +20 210
>Thomas_Reinke: BEENORT 3H .ERBOTEN +78 495
#note I'm having perfect luck with these bingos.
>Steve_Bush: INZ J10 ZIN. +34 244
>Thomas_Reinke: ACIINPT O1 PI. +15 510
#note Gift-wrapped another bingo, and I miss it. L3 OPTICIAN. I did see ANTIPYIC and PLATINIC, for what it's worth (I'm aware that it's worth nothing, it's just a turn of phrase, jeeze).
>Steve_Bush: DOU 1H .UDO +12 256
>Thomas_Reinke: AACILNT M3 .ANTALIC +62 572
>Steve_Bush: EGU 8L G.UE +21 277
>Thomas_Reinke: DEEOORW D8 .E +6 578
#note Something something don't empty the bag whatever you do ever blah blah blah.
>Steve_Bush: AIRSSTU 14J STAIRS +33 310
>Thomas_Reinke: DEMOORW 4L W.ME +41 619
>Steve_Bush: SU 5M .US +15 325
>Steve_Bush: (DOOR) +10 335
Player 2
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