Player 1 |
#player1 Tasha_Asberry Tasha Asberry
#player2 Thomas_Reinke Thomas Reinke
>Tasha_Asberry: AEU 8G EAU +6 6
>Thomas_Reinke: ADEIIRU H6 UR.EI +5 5
#note Not a good play, but it does make for an interesting early game dynamic.
>Tasha_Asberry: ENVY 10F VE.NY +27 33
>Thomas_Reinke: AACDFIT 11J AFT +17 22
>Tasha_Asberry: AIMNOST 6B MANITO.S +68 101
>Thomas_Reinke: ACDEFIL E2 DEIF.CAL +78 100
>Tasha_Asberry: EHNN 8A HENN. +27 128
>Thomas_Reinke: ABEEOOT D2 ABOO. +30 130
>Tasha_Asberry: KOOS L9 KO.OS +18 146
>Thomas_Reinke: ?AEESTW 12D SWEATEr +75 205
#note Surprisingly few bingos, just this, WHEATENS and NEWSBEAT.
>Tasha_Asberry: AOR H12 .ORA +12 158
>Thomas_Reinke: DDEMNOR C2 DOM +32 237
#note ENDODERM looked too much like ENTODERM, so much so that I deemed it phony. Third game out of four so far where I fail to play a bingo that I see.
>Tasha_Asberry: HO M12 HO +19 177
>Thomas_Reinke: DEENRRT 13G R.DE +22 259
>Tasha_Asberry: ?ABDISU N6 DAUBIeS +71 248
>Tasha_Asberry: ?ABDISU -- -71 177
>Thomas_Reinke: EEGNRTX 5I EXERT +26 285
#note Blocks the spot for SUBIDEA, but gives up another one, plus giving a spot for SUBARID and SUBACID. 9A EX looks good.
>Tasha_Asberry: ?ABDISU N5 SUBIDeA +74 251
>Thomas_Reinke: EGLNNUV O11 LUNGE +23 308
#note 8M VIN blocks easy J and Z plays on a pretty dead board, and makes it less likely that I have an awkward rack next turn.
>Tasha_Asberry: GI 14M GI. +17 268
>Thomas_Reinke: JLLNPVZ 8M Z.P +42 350
>Tasha_Asberry: IP M8 .IP +28 296
>Thomas_Reinke: IJLLNTV J2 JIN. +34 384
>Tasha_Asberry: Q 3I Q. +21 317
>Thomas_Reinke: ELLRTVY 15D TREV.LLY +65 449
#note Didn't think I was bingoing again this game.
>Tasha_Asberry: ACGIRTW 14E AW +28 345
>Thomas_Reinke: I F10 .I. +6 455
>Thomas_Reinke: (CGIRT) +16 471