Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Panupol_Sujjayakorn Panupol Sujjayakorn
#player2 Matthew_Tunnicliffe Matthew Tunnicliffe
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: CELUX 8H CULEX +44 44
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?EHINSV L6 VI.ENiSH +90 90
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: AGYZ J7 G.AZY +38 82
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BEFLLWY 13L .WYL +26 116
#note This turn frustrated me. The tiles aren't too bad, but they don't do much on this board. Is FLEWBY good? I was about to do WHY, when I noticed that HWYL solved a few more of my problems. I dunno... in hindsight... FLYBY maybe? Really, this play is fine. It just worked out badly.
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: ADEIOSS O8 ASSOI.ED +140 222
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BEFLOTW N12 B.TE +29 145
#note I need to score and eventually to bingo. It's counterintuitive, but this makes it easier to bingo on the bottom row.
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: DHL 9I H.L.D +26 248
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?FLORRW 11F WORR. +11 156
#note It's clear that I need to force the board open and bingo ASAP. WRY is another version of my play that tries to build around an F bingo. But I'd rather not put a W in that spot. The sim says I should do 6L VROW, but I'm not really sure where that will lead. Likely to Panupol blocking the ED and me having basically no bingo lines left. There's also the option of burning my blank for 45. But nah. I think WORRY is fine.
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: AJPU 10C PUJA +22 270
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?AFILNT 15G FlATLIN.. +89 245
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: GIV 6L .IG +11 281
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EFMNRTV M2 VERM.N +27 272
#note He's 100% got the S after VIG, but I can't doo much about it yet.
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: AOPR 2J PAR.O +32 313
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEFRTTU 1F TARTUFE +95 367
#note In all seriousness, I can never complain about bad luck for the rest of my Scrabble carreer. Holy cow, did I ever draw well in the Top 8.
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: AIN 12D AIN +12 325
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BCEIIOT 2B BOITE +22 389
#note The board is very open, but I need to at least try to close some lanes down. This blocks the 2 and 3 rows, which will stop his -S sevens. I also need to keep scoring and burning tiles.
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: AGKS 1A GASK +59 384
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: AGKS -- -59 325
#note GASKING confusion. I admit this was a really hard challenge to make.
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: CDDIIOT D2 .DIOTIC +26 415
#note Now that I know his current rack is likely not a bingo rack, I can afford to toss the board open and dig deep into the bag. This is a two-phase defense, with the plan being to play through the O or R to totally cripple the top half of the board. The problem is that row 14 is still wide open. And if is able to play through the C with his K (not too likely), there are then way too many lanes to contend with. I dunno. This was clearly the most difficult turn of the game. Depending on what he does next turn, I may just move to outrun all of his bingos. Drawing QU would help with that. (P)ICOT is the other play I considered. It kills the easiest bingo lane and scores a few points. It didn't have the same turnover that drew me to IDIOTIC, but the defense is quite a bit better. Possibly a mistake, but this turn is still so difficult to assess. I think I would do PICOT. I ended up not following through on my strategy with IDIOTIC very well.
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: EKU C10 .UKE +28 353
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: DEEEINO 4H DENIE. +18 433
#note With row 14 blocked, I decide that now is my chance to force him to bingo through one of the tricky lanes left available. I occasionally Q-stick myself, but I still can't be beaten without a bingo. This is a pretty big mistake. I was far too worried about letting him have one more turn to dig for a bingo by playing B2 BA or something. The fact is that if I play this turn properly, I can outrun most of his bingos in the top half of the board. I should play off 3 tiles leaving one in the bag and keep an I in case I draw the Q. 3B EDDO for example should win against most of Panupol's racks. I misevaluated this pretty badly and flushed like 7% of a win down the toilet by letting him win with MOORAGES or OREGANOS. That's a difficult pill to swallow, so let's hope I sharpen up in the rest of this match.
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: AAEGNQS 6B QA.S +33 386
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EMOOOR 3H EMO +24 457
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: AEGN 14F GEAN +17 403
>Panupol_Sujjayakorn: (ORO) +6 409
Player 2
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