Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Matthew_Tunnicliffe Matthew Tunnicliffe
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AORTTVX 9C VOX +30 30
#note I almost chickened out of TOWIE on this play for some reason!
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AALRTTT 7C TAT +19 49
>JD: ABBEHIO C2 HOBBI. +26 135
#note extremely close on a sim between HOBBIT, BAITH and OBEAH (I didn't spot OBEAH actually). Given my early lead, I liked HOBBIT, especially given that TAT suggests an S in his rack.
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AILRTTU I2 RUTILA.T +61 110
#note ok, no S I guess. TAT is a nice play on his part then to induce a blocking play.
>JD: AAAEGIS E6 A...IA +26 161
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: DEEEEOR L2 ERODE +24 134
>JD: ADEGISU D1 GADI +32 193
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EEFILPT F10 FLIP +32 166
#note Close with a bunch of other plays in the same spot. FILE, FILET, FE, FLEET, etc. I'm not sure why I was averse to keeping the P. I would do FILE in hindsight. Looks like a mistake.
>JD: EIJRSUZ 2K J.EZ +40 233
#note this is where it all went to hell. in CSW this is a perfectly reasonable play instead of JURIES, but instead I decided to play JEEZ, which happens to take a new hook of JEEZE in TWL15...
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EEEHRTW F4 HEWE. +36 202
#note I was completely blind to the E hook on JEEZ. Unbelievable! New word blindness is still a big factor. WETHER is 69...
>JD: GIIRSSU 14B RISUS +26 259
#note happy to come up with this play! sims best. two more esses left and both blanks, so turning over tiles is encouraged, and it blocks up the board.
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: CDEFQRT 6B Q. +31 233
>JD: EGIMNOS 13C GIM. +30 289
#note GIMP looked like a swell play except that I missed GENOM/JEEZE for 48 points. don't worry, it gets more entertaining than this quickly. also I somehow missed GENOM on row 15 for a whole bunch of extra points anyway.
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: CDEFRTU 2B C..FED +34 267
#note Still bleeding equity every turn! Jeeze...
>JD: ?EEKNOS 15A KEN +27 316
#note surely this is my worst single play of nationals. not only did I miss EIKONES for 116, I also airballed on my playable bingos of SOKEMEN and EIKONES. what the hell was I doing??
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AENNRTU M4 NATURE +21 288
#note My reasoning was that I would need a bingo, but that the M column bingos weren't going to score enough. This opens up high-scoring lines and also digs deep for the blanks. This logic is based on me still not seeing JEEZE
>JD: ?ELOOSY N9 LOOSElY +74 390
#note I'm in great shape here, holding a lead with the blank. if I know the JEEZE hook is there, I think that playing YE looks pretty good - limiting volatility, and restricting him to 70 point bingos on columns L and N that I can maybe bingo through in response, or score off of. otherwise, the choice is between LOOSELY and GOOEY. Again, with JEEZE available, GOOEY improves, since I might have to outrun a 100-point bingo. I think this is a reasonable decision though.
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AINO 1D .ONIA +28 316
#note Finally I spot JEEZE and almost fall out of my chair. I also realize that because of Jesse's KEN placement, he almost surely doesn't see the hook either. I realize this game is still winnable. I just need to score enough points this turn and then draw a high-scoring bingo either hooking JEEZE or to the Y. My hope is that Jesse will block the Y if he doesn't see JEEZE.
>JD: ?ACDLRY O4 ACRiDLY +97 487
>JD: (EGMNNOS) +20 507
#note and thus one of the two finalists at 2015 nationals blew 100 points of equity by not knowing a new 5 (I can't speak for the other finalist).
Player 2
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