Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Darrell_Day Darrell Day
#note QO is substantially worse than EQ, I thought the defensive gains by playing HELVE made it worthwhile but actually HELVE and HOVEL are even on defense. definite error.
>Darrell_Day: ANUY 9B YUAN +15 15
>Darrell_Day: AGGINR H1 GRINGA +31 46
>JD: ACDIKQZ G3 QI +44 102
>Darrell_Day: AEVW G6 WA.E +20 66
>JD: AACDKSZ 8A ZA +38 140
#note aaaargh how did I miss CADENZA!! nyah!
>Darrell_Day: EEPRU 1F PU.REE +9 75
>JD: ACDIJKS 2K DICK +25 165
#note jeez, two consecutive major errors. HADJI an obvious improvement.
>Darrell_Day: FISU M2 .UIFS +20 95
>JD: AABFJST 7C JAB +31 196
#note CUIFS definitely suggests another S, but I didn't particularly like FAJITA placing the A in the triple word column. however, quackle loves my bingo chances after FAJITA with my leave of BS, saying that my bingo rate jumps from 13% to 23% compared to playing JAB. I am a bit surprised by this result. at least this was a less egregious error than the two prior ones.
>Darrell_Day: DESU O1 USED +33 128
#note he blocked finalities...not that it was my best play anyway
>Darrell_Day: DEIINO 2A IODINE +24 152
>JD: CEINOTX 1C OX +37 316
#note : O >:( X( I play very bad
>Darrell_Day: AILNORW A1 W.NO +24 176
#note darrell: why u no play exciton jesse??
>JD: CEHIINT M10 ITCH +20 336
#note jeez, I had an unusual determination this game to play like shit. why not just take the points for HIC? ITCH does block a few extra bingos, but not many (28% down to 24%)
>Darrell_Day: ORT 10E TOR +22 198
#note hey look, it's a play that doesn't immediately suck
>Darrell_Day: ??ALRST O7 TARSaLs +84 282
#note STARTLE for 3 extra
>JD: AELMMOO 11C LOOM +30 400
#note just playing OM at this spot avoids giving such a strong comeback on row 12.
>Darrell_Day: AEORRTV C1 ..OR +10 292
#note best is TROVER/TORT at H10.
>JD: AEGMT K6 GAME +25 425
#note also blocking his best out
>Darrell_Day: AERTV H10 AVERT +13 305
#note wow, that was an extremely poor game on my part - by all rights I probably should've put up a 500. instead my spread remained weak.
>Darrell_Day: (T) +2 307
Player 2
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