Game Details
Player 1
#player1 David David
#player2 Avery Avery
>David: AQT 8G QAT +24 24
>Avery: DGGNOTZ 9H GONG +13 13
>David: ?HIILLN K2 cHILLIN. +72 96
#note This takes an S hook, as David pointed out after, but he was unsure of it during the game.
>Avery: ADEOSTZ 4G AZOT.SED +106 119
#note I drew that to DTZ
>David: ACEJT M2 EJ.CTA +32 128
>Avery: IILOTUY H8 ..ILITY +12 131
#note I had long given up on this rack
>David: GOORV 14C GROOV. +15 143
>Avery: BEENOUX H1 BON.E +48 179
>David: ?ELORST 6B fLORETS +75 218
#note Plenty of plays on row 11
>Avery: DEKNOUX N7 DOUX +31 210
#note I blanked on DEJECTA
>David: IT O8 IT +14 232
>Avery: AEKNNNU 11H .UNK +16 226
#note I didn't know UNAKIN, but D12 NARK is definitely the play, though M9 NEUK is worth considering
>David: ABEERW M9 BEWARE +45 277
#note I saw that coming but I didn't do anything about it
>Avery: AADENNR 1M DAN +29 255
#note Wasn't sure of BEWARED
>David: EFY L12 FEY +35 312
>Avery: ACEEINR C4 RE.IANCE +62 317
>David: DEP N12 DEP +38 350
>Avery: AAFIMRS 4A FA.M +26 343
>David: AEORSV E4 SE.OVAR +30 380
>Avery: AIIIRSU 11E SI +26 369
#note And my draw of IIU kills me. I got very frustrated at this point and just threw this down without much thought
>David: EHMPUW 8A WH. +27 407
>Avery: AIIRU J11 .AIRU +7 376
#note HAJI or CURARI
>David: EMPU B1 PUM. +16 423
>Avery: I B8 .I +7 383
>Avery: (E) +2 385
Player 2
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