Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Paul_Epstein Paul Epstein
#player2 Jason Jason
>Paul_Epstein: OY 8G YO +10 10
>Jason: EINRRTV H2 INVERT.R +65 65
#note Hoped for the A or O; glad to get it.
>Paul_Epstein: E G8 .E +9 19
>Jason: ?IKLOST 3B KILoTO.S +76 141
#note The first one I saw was KILObITS after having the same rack against Viebranz in Pontiac and chickening out. The cool 84-pointers are I(N)KbLOTS, hOTLI(N)KS, and SLIpK(N)OT.
>Paul_Epstein: ADEINRS 5E ARS.NIDE +86 105
#note I'm guessing he drew to ARSINE, but then he had ANSERI(N)E, RESINA(T)E or (T)RAINEES the turn before. No matter what he left, he missed a bingo playing YE. Maybe I should've sacrificed the handful of points to play K(E)ITLOaS or something; kill the double-double?
>Jason: ACEEIIP 4J PIA +21 162
>Paul_Epstein: EOW I7 OWE +24 129
>Jason: ACEEFGI 6B FACE +19 181
#note No great options here. I don't like this, but I don't like anything Speedy's putting above it.
>Paul_Epstein: ABEHMTU D1 HU.A +22 151
>Jason: EGINOSW 10B WIGEONS +89 270
#note Thanks to Paul for leaving the spot open.
>Paul_Epstein: EIRV B10 .IVER +22 173
>Jason: AEGLOTZ B1 ZE. +32 302
#note I like GOT(H) better, in hindsight.
>Paul_Epstein: AMU 3K AMU +19 192
>Jason: AGLMOTT A13 MOT +21 323
#note I think, starting about now, I'll be hemorrhaging equity to keep the board shut.
>Paul_Epstein: CEIO 12B .OICE +20 212
>Jason: AAGHLST E9 L.T.H +20 343
#note Vowels are scarce; that's why I didn't play LEACH instead.
>Paul_Epstein: DU F3 .U.D +24 236
#note Paul said this was a commentary on the game.
>Jason: AAGLNQS C9 Q. +21 364
#note We were at Carol's board, next to the challenge computer. Carolyn and Mason walk over, and Mason gasps when the result comes up as Carolyn strides back to the table. "You KNEW that?!" he said. Turns out it was QUINOIDS as a double-double for 122, earning her high turn prize (and a high-five from me when I heard the story). Damn good find! Poor Mason ... Grob threw 677 at him and Carolyn had a 122-point turn.
>Paul_Epstein: FI 5B IF +15 251
>Jason: AAGGLNS M2 G.N +10 374
#note At least now if he S- bingos, I can make a parallel play along the triple coming back.
>Paul_Epstein: PU 2J UP +13 264
>Jason: AADGLRS C12 .D +18 392
>Paul_Epstein: AJ 1D .AJ +13 277
>Jason: AAGLRST J4 ..G +10 402
>Paul_Epstein: B 2G B. +8 285
>Jason: AAELRST 2A A. +2 404
#note Hey, where'd this stem rack come from? I've been ignoring my leave to keep the board shut!
>Paul_Epstein: Y C5 ..Y +13 298
#note I don't know how he got 17. I think I was just focused on that he blocked (FA)X.
>Jason: AELRSTX 11A X. +9 413
#note Dammit, Paul, open the board!
>Paul_Epstein: BDI G12 DIB +19 317
>Jason: AELNRST 15G STERNAL +81 494
#note Yeah, Paul's timing this game was not great, to put it mildly.
>Paul_Epstein: ?EELNOT 14I NOEL +16 333
#note OaTEN or EaTEN is five better.
>Jason: AOR N4 ORA +12 506
#note And that's how you beat Paul Epstein by 183 (he went over on time, so it's six less than the actual), salvaging your spread, getting you back in contention and causing you to briefly think "You know, 6-1 and I could hit 1750 here!" before mentally slapping yourself across the face. I'm guessing not too many people have beaten Grob and Epstein by 150+ each in the same tourney.
>Jason: (?ET) +4 510
Player 2
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