Player 1 |
#player1 Will Will
#player2 Panupol Panupol
>Will: EEIINRY 8H EYRIE +18 18
#note Interesting call with where to put this. Avoiding slotting a vowel next to the DLS by putting a Y next to it instead kind of defeats the purpose, as B and M plays are still gonna score nicely there.
>Panupol: EELMRV K3 VERME.L +24 24
>Will: BCEINNO 7G NOB +21 39
#note This or BOVINE - seems close.
>Panupol: ?AGKNRT F7 KARTiNG +73 97
>Will: CEEILNS M3 LICENSE +81 120
#note Worth the point sacrifice, I thought.
>Panupol: AGNOSU 14A GUANOS +32 129
>Will: DINORRU 15A INRO +31 151
>Panupol: AGIIJ 12A GAIJI. +32 161
>Will: ADDORTU A6 OUTDRA. +27 178
>Panupol: TUX B4 TUX +51 212
>Will: ?CDFLOS 4J F.L.D +18 196
#note Just what I need here
>Panupol: AETZ A1 ZETA +45 257
>Will: ?CEINOS O2 mESONIC +88 284
>Panupol: IMOPU C6 OPIUM +23 280
>Will: EFHLOST J4 .OH +34 318
>Panupol: EOVW C1 WOVE +23 303
>Will: DEEFLST 1C .ELTED +33 351
#note Very interesting move. The 40 point Q bomb is just sitting there, but it's also the only place the Q seems to play on this board (apart from QIS/VERMEILS, which only I can play), and with a lead/tempo, I should be able to withstand QI if Panupol has it unless he then comes back with a bingo, and hopefully I can block that. I wouldn't put it past Panupol to have the H when he played WOVE, so I'm also concerned about devastating scoring plays on row 1. To me, the choices are WELTED, LIEFEST, and D7 EFT, with honorable mention to 10M plays making LICENSED/LICENSEE, and WELTED does the best job of ensuring that I'll be able to shed the Q while also blocking some scary WH- scoring threats. After LIEFEST I could easily imagine drawing a Q that doesn't play anywhere and being in trouble.
>Panupol: W H6 W.. +6 309
>Will: AABFQSY 11E Q. +42 393
>Panupol: I 10A .I. +7 316
>Will: AABFHSY 10M SHY +27 420
#note Probably ASHY instead but works too.
>Panupol: AADEIRT L10 AIRTED +28 344
>Will: AABFP 2G FAB +16 436
>Panupol: A 6G A. +7 351
>Panupol: (AP) +8 359