Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Andy_Hoang Andy Hoang
#player2 Amalan_Iyengar Amalan Iyengar
>Andy_Hoang: IWZ 8G WIZ +30 30
>Amalan_Iyengar: DEEGNNO I6 DO.EN +17 17
#note I saw ENDOGEN as soon as I drew the tiles, but chickened out on it :(
>Andy_Hoang: COY J5 COY +20 50
>Amalan_Iyengar: BEEGINS H7 G.B +17 34
#note BEIGNES and BEES(W)ING are words. GIBE is also a bit better than GIB, but I wasn't sure on it
>Andy_Hoang: BGOR J9 GORB +19 69
#note Wasn't sure about it, but figured he wouldn't challenge his own phoney
>Amalan_Iyengar: EEEINRS 13I ESERINE +74 108
>Andy_Hoang: AAIRTV O7 VARIAT. +33 102
>Amalan_Iyengar: AELRSX N8 LAX +55 163
#note Don't know my last tile
>Andy_Hoang: GO 5J .OG +12 114
>Amalan_Iyengar: EEKOQS M12 Q. +11 174
>Andy_Hoang: FHIT L3 FI.HT +24 138
>Amalan_Iyengar: EEKORSW 6L .OW +17 191
>Andy_Hoang: DENV 14F VEND +19 157
>Amalan_Iyengar: ?EEKPSU M1 KUE +24 215
>Andy_Hoang: AEMR 1K MA.ER +36 193
#note I told him to play TROI(K)A so I could play PERES(TROIKA)S 3x3
>Amalan_Iyengar: ?EEPRST 15G RESPiTE +89 304
>Andy_Hoang: OY 2J YO +17 210
>Amalan_Iyengar: AADEIIT G11 AID.. +8 312
#note TEA(MAKER)
>Andy_Hoang: AHJ 12D HAJ. +28 238
>Amalan_Iyengar: AEEILMT N1 .ME +24 336
#note Again TEA(MAKER)
>Andy_Hoang: ACLP 11B CLAP +29 267
>Amalan_Iyengar: AEILSTU B11 .AUL +12 348
>Andy_Hoang: ILN C13 NIL +12 279
>Amalan_Iyengar: EINOSST 15A IS.E +22 370
>Andy_Hoang: AEFINRU J2 .A +5 284
>Amalan_Iyengar: FINOOST 9H ...OT +8 378
#note Not really sure what to play here. I didn't want to empty the bag with the blank unseen, so I held off of 10D for a play
>Andy_Hoang: DIU O3 DUI +13 297
>Amalan_Iyengar: ?FINOST 10D FON +22 400
>Andy_Hoang: ENRTU K8 T.RE +15 312
>Amalan_Iyengar: ?IST H11 IS +21 421
#note a(N)TS or a(N)IS is better, but I missed them
>Andy_Hoang: NU I3 NU +6 318
>Andy_Hoang: (T?) +2 320
Player 2
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