Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Leesa_Berahovich Leesa Berahovich
>JD: EHIPQSY 8G QI +22 22
>Leesa_Berahovich: BY 7H BY +15 15
#note ooh, fun draw
>Leesa_Berahovich: EGMR - +0 15
#note she challenged
>JD: DIRTTUV 4G TUR.ID +20 126
#note difficult play. unfortunately, this isn't actually a word! thank goodness she didn't challenged. probably the best real play is just VID, bad leave and all.
>Leesa_Berahovich: EGMR K2 GR.ME +35 50
>JD: AEEGOTV H1 VOG.E +27 153
>Leesa_Berahovich: INZ 9F ZIN +30 80
>JD: ABEEETW L6 WEE +16 169
>Leesa_Berahovich: ITX 8L .XIT +33 113
#note ZOO sims pretty well also, sporting a 50% bingo percentage.
>Leesa_Berahovich: ?INNSTU E1 NU.TINgS +64 177
#note fortunate for me that she missed TINNITUS...
>JD: ?AAADER O8 .ApADERA +80 274
#note surprisingly, there are only 2 8s in this rack (also DRACAENA)
>Leesa_Berahovich: KNPU 8A PUNK. +48 225
>JD: ACDIRST 10B DICTA +27 301
#note the rock-star play here is DICAST at 10C, which I didn't come up with (although it does leave the P open at A8 for potential bingos)
>Leesa_Berahovich: ANOO B2 A.OON +18 243
>JD: AEFLLRS N11 FARE +28 329
#note gah should really have seen FERAL on this turn
>Leesa_Berahovich: EGO 11E EGO +25 268
>JD: AACJLLS 12A JACAL +47 376
#note chickened out of JACALS, no need to risk the game over 15 points. thought it was just JACALES.
>Leesa_Berahovich: EHILMVW A12 .IVE +42 310
>Leesa_Berahovich: AFHILNW 15E FINAL +39 349
#note HWAN is a little better
>JD: EMORU M12 MO +20 472
#note somehow I announced this play's score as 26...really the best play is ROMEO at C2
>Leesa_Berahovich: HW 4A H.W +18 367
>Leesa_Berahovich: (ERU) +6 373
Player 2
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