Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Lisa_Odom Lisa Odom
#player2 Charles_Reinke Charles Reinke
>Lisa_Odom: IIII -IIII +0 0
#note WGPO Middleton Tourney, Round 17.
>Charles_Reinke: DDNOSTT -DDOT +0 0
>Lisa_Odom: AFIQR 8D FAQIR +42 42
>Charles_Reinke: AHNOOST 7G HOO +22 22
#note Correctly passed on FANTOOSH#, which got played at our club by a Collinser. (Aaron I know you're reading this)
>Lisa_Odom: EITW 9E WITE +34 76
>Charles_Reinke: AELNSST I6 N.S +21 43
#note I considered just dropping the S, but felt like AELNST could go bad on this board. It could, but AELST isn't really an improvement.
>Lisa_Odom: FO J6 OF +21 97
>Charles_Reinke: AEELPST 10B PEAL +18 61
#note Now I have two spots for my S!
>Lisa_Odom: EHS 11C HES +33 130
>Charles_Reinke: ?ENSTTU K7 STUNTEd +73 134
>Lisa_Odom: COY 7C COY +27 157
>Charles_Reinke: EIMRSVX 12H VEX.R +38 172
>Lisa_Odom: AIU 10J U.AI +6 163
>Charles_Reinke: BCIMNSW I11 W.B +11 183
#note Forgot about NEWB+! That does a lot better job at setting up my S, plus, Lisa probably won't have a decent way to block it.
>Lisa_Odom: EIR 13I .I.ER +23 186
>Charles_Reinke: CEIMNOS N4 INCOMES +76 259
>Lisa_Odom: AEOTZ O1 AZOTE +50 236
>Charles_Reinke: AAGGNRU O7 RAN +25 284
#note Quackle prefers RUN in the same spot. If I had seen H12 (V)ANG that would have been my play since it un-duplicates my rack.
>Lisa_Odom: EL 2M LE. +24 260
>Charles_Reinke: AADGGTU 3I DAGGA +24 308
#note Is this too open? Does that matter since I'm making it harder to play on row 1? How likely is such a play anyway? Here Quackle thinks I should do the nice fit of M7 GAD(I).
>Lisa_Odom: GMU 9A GUM +24 284
>Charles_Reinke: KLNRTUY M9 K.T +24 332
#note I wanted to save my N because there are four I's, thus a good chance of getting an -ING play on column A. The K could be useful at J2, though. Lisa's past few plays haven't given me much insight into whether she's trying to bingo or not, either. F11 TURK is probably best simply because of scoring/leave.
>Lisa_Odom: DDEIIRV 4D DIVIDER +83 367
>Charles_Reinke: LNNPRUY -LNPRUY +0 332
#note If the blank is still in the bag, I'm very likely to get it with this exchange. It seems pretty unlikely that I can win without bingoing considering the most I can score here is 21 for PUN(G). Thus, gunning for the blank. However, E1 UNR(I)P has its merits; it scores a little, opens up another TWS, and keeps okay letters including an N.
>Lisa_Odom: ADILO A4 DIALO. +30 397
>Charles_Reinke: BEIJNOT J2 J.. +26 358
#note Lisa didn't have the blank; I left it in the bag! Bad luck, but I wouldn't have bingoed anyway if I had also drawn the J. This play might win if I draw the A or blank and Lisa totally screws up.
>Lisa_Odom: ?AENRUY 1F UNwEARY +100 497
>Charles_Reinke: BEILNOT B1 BOLETI +29 387
>Lisa_Odom: P M2 ..P +10 507
>Lisa_Odom: (N) +2 509
#note After INCOMES, there were a few tough choices that I probalby misplayed.
Player 2
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