Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Steve_Pellinen Steve Pellinen
#player2 Charles_Reinke Charles Reinke
>Steve_Pellinen: DUW 8G WUD +14 14
#note WGPO Middleton Tourney, Round 2.
>Charles_Reinke: EFHHPUV -FHHUV +0 0
#note A case could be made for several other exchanges. I don't think you could make a serious case for something like 9F FEH.
>Steve_Pellinen: IIIII -IIIII +0 14
>Charles_Reinke: BEEIOPT 9G OPE +21 21
>Steve_Pellinen: IIII -IIII +0 14
>Charles_Reinke: BEIOPRT 10B PROBIT +24 45
#note Perhaps not a smart idea to play so open given that Steve just exchanged two turns in a row, but I hated how the board looked after 10G TOP/TOPI.
>Steve_Pellinen: AEGILRS D3 SERAGLI. +70 84
>Charles_Reinke: ?AABEWZ 5B WA.EZ +34 79
#note Actually sims close to C9 B(R)AZA for 45, which I missed.
>Steve_Pellinen: AQT 3A QAT. +26 110
>Charles_Reinke: ?AABGIN C8 AB.AdING +85 164
>Steve_Pellinen: LLO E10 .OLL +12 122
>Charles_Reinke: AAEINRU 15C .UARANI +27 191
>Steve_Pellinen: EO 6A OE +11 133
>Charles_Reinke: DEKNNXY A6 .NYX +42 233
>Steve_Pellinen: ?AEILST 6F AbLEIST +73 206
>Charles_Reinke: DEHKNOU 14I HONKED +37 270
#note L6 (T)HUNKED is a little better. This play leaves a lot of bingo lines open with some good stuff in the bag.
>Steve_Pellinen: EER 10I ERE +9 215
>Charles_Reinke: CDMRSUV M10 CURV.D +24 294
>Steve_Pellinen: ADEINOR L2 DERA.ION +70 285
>Charles_Reinke: EMSSTTV 8K M.VES +30 324
#note 3K V(E)ST sims best. Why can't I come up with cool plays like that? Steve would probably get suspicious and block, but he would sacrifice points to do so.
>Steve_Pellinen: EY 15M .EY +24 309
>Charles_Reinke: FGINSTT 12L F.IG +20 344
#note Since I am committing here to trying to outrun as opposed to bingo, I should do 13G FIGS and get one extra draw at a vowel. The S is unlikely to be particularly helpful if Steve plays in the most obvious spot (through/near the E at 3L).
>Steve_Pellinen: FO 11K FO. +27 336
>Charles_Reinke: CINOSTT 13G TIC +20 364
>Steve_Pellinen: EHIJMTU O4 JEHU. +23 359
>Charles_Reinke: NOST 3I TON.S +12 376
#note Plays at N5 for 6 more. I was just glad I didn't screw up the easy endgame.
>Charles_Reinke: (IMT) +10 386
Player 2
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