Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Cecilia_Le Cecilia Le
#note whoops. VAUT#/VAUTE#/VAWTE#. my bad.
>Cecilia_Le: ACDEIMN H4 MAEN.DIC +66 66
>Cecilia_Le: AAHH (challenge) +5 71
#note this is TWL, just looked unfamiliar
>JD: ?NORRSW K2 NaRROWS +79 99
>JD: ?NORRSW -- -79 20
#note colossal mistake - I missed FORWARNS# and NORWARDS# which I didn't know, but she challenge VAWTS* because she thought VAWT* might be an adjective!!
>Cecilia_Le: AAHH G3 HAHA +25 96
>JD: ?NORRSW 11F Re.ROWNS +74 94
#note I was happy to keep VAWTE# in reserve which I knew had to be good. it may end up being a useful bingo lane.
>Cecilia_Le: BNU F2 BUN +21 117
>JD: AACIKNO 10J KOA +40 134
#note she spent a lot of time choosing these last few moves, so I got to start pressuring her on the clock.
>Cecilia_Le: EY F6 YE +27 144
>JD: ACINOVZ 10B ZINCO +42 176
#note HAVOC sims a few better, ZINCO opens bingo lanes on what was presumably a very closed board.
>Cecilia_Le: EGGOU 12B GOUGE +17 161
#note further evidence that she doesn't know VAWTE#
>JD: AABDIVY 13A VID +23 199
#note DIVA is the play, the hotspot that my play opens is just as bad defensively.
>Cecilia_Le: IR L9 R..I +8 169
>JD: AABISTY 14B BAY +32 231
>Cecilia_Le: ?EIRRSU 15C SURlIER +82 251
>JD: AGILSTX 9C XI +36 267
#note nice to have an easy move to keep the time pressure on.
>Cecilia_Le: LT 12K L.T +11 262
>JD: AEGLLST K5 GALE +21 288
#note I missed KOGAL# which would've been awesome!!
>Cecilia_Le: AF J6 FA. +29 291
#note surprised not to draw a challenge!
>Cecilia_Le: DINO L1 DINO +20 311
>JD: ELOOQTT D8 Q.. +22 381
#note the beginning of the unraveling, I should really be making a play that blocks one of the bingo lanes so I can keep the endgame under wraps. Just LOTTED at 1G would be fine, I will always have a Q spot and could even draw QI, and I also end the game much faster.
>Cecilia_Le: EF N5 EF +28 339
#note this is great because I force her to empty the bag with a fish, so I'll know exactly what to block...
>Cecilia_Le: P 5G ..P +8 347
>JD: ADEEJMN H13 JE. +10 415
#note omg worst play ever!!! I only saw peritus/puirest# at the bottom and decided that nothing fit on row 1...
>Cecilia_Le: EIPRSTU 1G STUPI.ER +83 430
#note cecilia was already over by a minute, but my error was so egregious that it gave her the game!!! I was sad, but only for a bit
>Cecilia_Le: (ADEMN) +16 446
Player 2
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