Game Details
Player 1
#player1 JD JD
#player2 Puneet Puneet
#note or ANORAK
>Puneet: EENOSWW -EENO +0 0
>JD: ABEFRRZ F7 F.RZA +37 65
>Puneet: EENOPSU H2 EUPNOE.S +63 63
>JD: BEEIINR G6 BI.E +23 88
#note no T for BENITIER#
>Puneet: ALQT 11E T.LAQ +28 91
>JD: EEINORU 4H .OURIE +16 104
#note reasonable play, AUREI is a little stronger defensively covering the row 12 hotspot, compensating for the inferior ENO leave.
>Puneet: ADEEHJS 12A HADJES +62 153
>Puneet: ADEEHJS -- -62 91
#note of course if I had played AUREI I wouldn't have blocked HADJEES/TALAQS and induced a phony, so lucky me...
#note I wasn't sure about FUNDABLE#.
>Puneet: ADEEHJS H11 .HEAD +39 130
#note reasonable play to open the board.
>JD: ?AGORST 15A pOSTGRA. +80 251
>Puneet: EIJS 6J JE.I +28 158
>JD: DEIOTVW 12H .IVED +35 286
>Puneet: AHW G13 WH. +27 185
>JD: AIORSTW 14B WO +22 308
>Puneet: GIM 13C MIG +22 207
>JD: AAIRSTY G1 TAY +21 329
#note pretty paranoid play that cuts his bingo percentage from 25% to 15% (knowing he has the last S), but by cutting my own bingo % from 60 to 25%. I should probably just take the points for AYE/FY.
>Puneet: GNO 8L .ONG +21 228
>JD: AIRRSTV O5 VIR.A +9 338
#note I actually forgot about VAE# and so went for another extremely paranoid play. VAIR at F2 is probably enough points that I would go for that, even at the risk of giving up a 100 point -ING bingo. I did see HAVARTIS at 14G, but wasn't a big fan.
>Puneet: DEX 12B DEX +46 274
>JD: ?ELRSTT N8 .ETTLeRS +70 408
#note nice drawing
>Puneet: ACT 15L CA.T +27 301
>JD: CENOPUU B10 PU. +12 420
#note I did not know POUNCET. looks good to me, and locks up the win.
>Puneet: ILNSY D4 SLIN.Y +26 327
>Puneet: IIM C9 MI +21 348
>JD: NU F1 UN +11 449
#note oh man, the right play here is UNFINDABLE! how appropriate.
>JD: (I) +2 451
Player 2
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