Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jenn_Lee Jenn Lee
#player2 JD JD
>Jenn_Lee: EFIJRTY H7 JET +20 20
#note Thanks to Jennifer for providing her racks! FERITY is a bunch of points
>JD: ?AOSUUX 8H .AUX +11 11
#note Quackle prefers taking the points for AX since OSUU? still bingos 63% of the time next turn! The blanks cures all evils as usual. Also note that OSUU? is better than ASUU? due to OU synergy
>Jenn_Lee: BEFINRY 10F FIERY +38 58
#note best
>JD: ?LOOSUW F7 OUt.LOWS +65 76
#note only bingo
>Jenn_Lee: BDDILNQ E5 QIN +26 84
>JD: BEIIOOV K4 VIBE. +34 110
>Jenn_Lee: BDDLTUZ 5J D.TZ +14 98
#note best is DZO# for 26. DZO is a funny word.
>JD: ILNOOOT 6K .OOL +21 131
#note just BOO sims a few better, not so much because of the S hook but just because the L drastically improves my bingo percentage next turn from 37% to 55%
>Jenn_Lee: BDDELLU 14B DULL. +12 110
#note DUB/DZO also helps block the new S hook if she thinks I was setting it up
>JD: AAEINOT 15A IOTA +23 154
#note entozoa cool but gives back too many points
>Jenn_Lee: ABDEMRS O1 AMBERS +40 150
#note BAM keeping DERS looks pretty powerful, especially with the nice lane on column O
>JD: AAEEINR M5 ..EA +14 168
#note She now has a basically random rack, which makes this a good time for me to open a lane and try to bingo. however, quackle recommends ZOAEA# instead, which bumps my bingo percentage from 37% to 44% (AEINR too vowel-heavy). also note TATIE#/UEY# at 9F which is pretty devious, but wrong in this case.
>Jenn_Lee: AADKRTV 13A VAR +22 172
#note 6 (!) plays all sim about even - VODKA, KAVA at 1L, KAVAL at 11B, VAT at 13A, TROAK at 12D and VARA at 13A. My last play was very fishy, so Jenn may be best off a strong bingo leave of her own so that she can respond if I bingo.
>JD: AEHINNR N2 HAN +32 200
>Jenn_Lee: ADKORTU M1 ROK +40 212
>Jenn_Lee: AADIOTU (challenge) +5 217
#note nice
>JD: EHIMNST (challenge) +5 291
>Jenn_Lee: AADIOTU O8 ADO +28 245
#note AUDITOR here would give a really good chance, opening a juicy new lane on row 2 that I might have to sacrifice points to block, and leaving other spots open.
>JD: EHIMNST O12 THEM +40 331
#note grah I don't know HOISTMEN! would bump my win percentage from 95% to basically 100%.
>Jenn_Lee: ?AEINTU 1F jAUNTIE. +74 319
>JD: ACEEINS 2I AE +10 341
#note how do I win from here? With Conrad's input, I think the best play might be SEE at 11H. it puts me up 34, and in the quite likely scenario that Jenn plays something like FEG/FIG/FOG at M13, I am very likely to draw a game-winning response play on row 15. on the other hand, I do lose some of the flexibility of my rack by ditching the S. I tried to go for an intermediate route that keeps the N in case she puts a G on row 15, but also allows me to draw a bingo to win (her racks are likely to be ugly, only a 10% bingo chance for her) and retains scoring plays with the S if I need them. Is it the right play? dunno.
>Jenn_Lee: CDEGGRW 12D CR.WED +26 345
#note CROGGED at 12D for 28 might be the all-star play, although it's still tough to see how she can win. GREW/CREW seem to leave prohibitively ugly leaves.
>JD: CEEINOS G12 .E +12 353
#note have you ever enumerated a 2-in-the bag endgame for a one-tile play? I did here because I was curious about the pre-endgame. Quackle suggests that ERE at 14M is a major upgrade over playing WE/WE. The reason this is an improvement is that Jen has one play that can win her the game if she has the right letters: TYG at 3I, which scores enough to outrun me (GINGS at 3F can tie some endgames too). ERE at 14M creates a second lane, guaranteeing a bingo unless I draw the F or Y. However, I do end up losing if I draw the F: Jenn would play EGGY at H12 to set up an unblockable out next turn. I was also low on time, and ERE leaves me the much easier task of just finding my bingo to win. WE/WE wins 54/72 endgames and ERE wins 64/72, an improvement of 11% (this is different from championship player's reported percentages of 32/72 and 60/72, which are off for some reason).
>Jenn_Lee: FGGGINT M13 FIG +35 380
#note no wins for her according to Q.
#note passing up CESSION for 1 more point, just in case.
>JD: (GGNTY) +20 449
Player 2
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