Player 1 |
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Steve_Tier Steve Tier
>Joshua_Sokol: DFIOQTT H7 QI +22 22
#note This is the most embarrassing display of Scrabble I have bore witness and contributed to in a very, very long time. We were both exhausted.
>Steve_Tier: EINW I6 WINE +23 23
>Joshua_Sokol: DEFMOTT 5D TOFTED +29 51
#note not a word, I just calced that it scored better than the others not realizing what it opened.
>Steve_Tier: DILO H1 OLDI. +21 44
>Joshua_Sokol: EEIMOTY 4A MOTEY +35 86
#note ET is so much better than EI, so MOIE(T)Y for 28, which I considered, is simming close.
>Steve_Tier: OUV A1 OVU. +27 71
>Joshua_Sokol: EIIILRS 2A .IRILE +22 108
>Steve_Tier: AX 1C AX +36 107
>Joshua_Sokol: EEIMSTY 2H .EY +14 122
>Steve_Tier: ABDNRS 1J BRANDS +37 144
>Joshua_Sokol: EHIMSTW G8 WHIM +22 144
>Steve_Tier: HPU F10 HUP +33 177
>Joshua_Sokol: AAEESST J7 SETA +27 171
#note 12E A(P)SE is good as well, missed that.
>Steve_Tier: EOV E11 VOE +32 209
>Joshua_Sokol: AEENPST D12 PANE +30 201
#note missing the hook I created! SETAE. I started to tilt here after realizing my mistake.
>Steve_Tier: DEOR 15D .RODE +18 227
#note was this a J setup? Odd.
>Joshua_Sokol: AAEISTU 6C EAU +12 213
#note probably N1 (D)AUTIE to counter the incoming J? Heh...
>Steve_Tier: ABJ 14F JAB +60 287
>Joshua_Sokol: AAIKRST C13 KA +28 241
>Steve_Tier: ?INZ 7A ZIN +16 303
#note This was really really really really really weird! But I was fine with it I guess?
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGIRST O1 .EAGIRTS +83 324
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGIRST -- -83 241
>Steve_Tier: ?CEFLRR A7 .ERo +36 339
#note Apparently this was his leave, or something like it with FC. ?????
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGIRST K8 RAGIEST +80 321
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGIRST -- -80 241
>Steve_Tier: FL 14A FL.. +14 353
>Joshua_Sokol: AEGIRST 11I SEAGIRT +71 312
>Steve_Tier: CLU O8 CUL. +18 371
>Joshua_Sokol: AGNNOOR 13H ORGANON +73 385
>Joshua_Sokol: (?CGIST) +16 401