Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Verbie Verbie
#player2 L_Shafritz L Shafritz
>Verbie: AGIOQRT H7 QAT +24 24
>L_Shafritz: ACDEILT I6 CITADEL +79 79
>Verbie: AGIOORV H12 AGIO +21 45
#note OGIVAL clears the V out for one more point. -5.5
>L_Shafritz: AERV J9 VERA +25 104
>Verbie: EEHIORV K10 VEER +31 76
#note Keeping the R is +1 equity.
>L_Shafritz: EFGNUYZ 14F ZE.N +33 137
>Verbie: FHIIOOY F12 FI. +15 91
#note Between this and FOZY, choose your poison. They're about .1 apart.
>L_Shafritz: IKLO E9 KILO +21 158
>Verbie: BHINOOY 14K YONI +25 116
>L_Shafritz: IMP 13M IMP +22 180
>Verbie: BDHOOSS 15N BO +19 135
#note BOHOS L6 23 is the star here at +6 over this.
>L_Shafritz: AJOT F6 JOTA +33 213
>Verbie: ?DHOSSS L8 HOS +18 153
#note HISS 10D clears the gridlock and preserves the O. This is -10 to that.
>L_Shafritz: AOX 8L .OAX +42 255
>Verbie: ??BDHSS M7 H.D +18 171
#note Should have looked through the open A for SuBHeADS or HuSBAnDS. But the sick-awesome play is BuSHiDOS M2 83! -24
>L_Shafritz: ELOT D8 TOLE +16 271
>Verbie: ??BSSUU C2 SUBSUme +65 236
#note I needed vowels in the worst way, and that's just the way I got them...
>L_Shafritz: EG 4C .EG +12 283
>Verbie: EMRRRWW B6 MEW +30 266
>L_Shafritz: AEINRT A1 RETINA +26 309
>Verbie: ADERRRW C11 DRAW +20 286
>L_Shafritz: AUY E2 YU.A +16 325
>Verbie: DEIPRRT D13 REP +15 301
#note Not even the right place for this word! (should go at F1) But TRIAD N5 is better still, total equity loss of 9.
>L_Shafritz: CEFGILN B13 FEN +30 355
>Verbie: DEGIRST F1 GETS +23 324
#note TRIADS N5 is tops "again" but by only half a point.
>L_Shafritz: CILNNU O10 CLI. +9 364
>Verbie: DIR 1F .RID +18 342
>Verbie: (NNU) +6 348
#note total equity lost: 56
Player 2
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