Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matthew_Ridout Matthew Ridout
#player2 Margaret_Yoder Margaret Yoder
>Matthew_Ridout: AILMOOU H4 MIAOU +20 20
#note Sims best
>Margaret_Yoder: MNU 5E MUN. +12 12
>Matthew_Ridout: ?BHILLO 6E OH +30 50
#note BILLHOOK 7C or 7B - I was unfamiliar. My play simmed best of all nonbingos
>Margaret_Yoder: DO 4F DO. +15 27
>Matthew_Ridout: ?BIJLLS 7G J.B +23 73
#note best
>Margaret_Yoder: APSS - +0 27
#note exchange 2
>Matthew_Ridout: ??EILLS J1 jeLLIES +70 143
#note KILLIES best, mine 3rd
>Margaret_Yoder: EIK 3J .IKE +16 43
>Matthew_Ridout: AAAENRR 1H RA.A +9 152
#note ANEAR N2 best, mine outside top ten
>Margaret_Yoder: BEN 2I B.N +11 54
>Matthew_Ridout: AEGGNQR -GQ +0 152
#note GANGER N1 best, mine 8th
>Margaret_Yoder: AR 4L AR +18 72
>Matthew_Ridout: AEEGNRT D6 NEGATER +76 228
#note best
>Margaret_Yoder: NOP 8A PON. +21 93
>Matthew_Ridout: AEEORUV 10B OU.RAVE +14 242
#note Simmed best
>Margaret_Yoder: FIRST H10 .FRITS +30 123
>Margaret_Yoder: FIRST -- -30 93
>Matthew_Ridout: ENOORUW N1 WORE +26 268
#note ERENOW H10 best, mine 5th
>Margaret_Yoder: ADFIRST O4 ADRIFT +38 131
>Matthew_Ridout: EINOTUZ B6 ZO. +32 300
#note TWO 1M best, mine 3rd.
>Margaret_Yoder: QT F9 Q.T +12 143
>Matthew_Ridout: EGILNTU L3 ..GU +9 309
#note Easily top 2000 prob and I chickened out on ELUTING
>Margaret_Yoder: STXY 13B XYST +37 180
>Matthew_Ridout: AEILNNT E5 ..N +7 316
#note ALIEN N6 best, mine outside top ten
>Margaret_Yoder: EIV 14A VIE +35 215
>Matthew_Ridout: ACEILNT G3 C.. +8 324
#note ACETIN 15C best, as Q says "Quit fishing", mine off the board
>Margaret_Yoder: CEIPST 15C SEPTIC +39 254
>Matthew_Ridout: AEILNTY 2M Y. +11 335
#note LINEY 11H best, mine outside top ten
>Margaret_Yoder: DE O1 ED +31 285
>Matthew_Ridout: AEIILNT 13B ....I +15 350
#note TALI 2D best, mine off the board
>Margaret_Yoder: AGO N6 AGO +18 303
>Matthew_Ridout: ADEILNT B10 .D +3 353
#note OUTRAVED 10B best, mine outside top ten
To my surprise, even my play is now considered 100% to win despite FELINES still being possible (though the ONLY seven letter subanagram possible from the tiles unseen to me)
>Margaret_Yoder: EFLW 11H FLEW +25 328
>Matthew_Ridout: AEILNST 12H TALES +28 381
#note All that fishing finally paid off!...Except that I didn't remember FLEW took an S back hook.
>Margaret_Yoder: EHI 13L HIE +17 345
>Margaret_Yoder: (IN) +4 349
Player 2
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