Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jan_Hatton Jan Hatton
#player2 Matthew_Ridout Matthew Ridout
>Jan_Hatton: APSS - +0 0
#note exchange 1
>Matthew_Ridout: ADEFIIP H6 PIA +10 10
#note PAID 8G best, mine 4th
>Jan_Hatton: EG 6H .EG +10 10
>Matthew_Ridout: DEEFIIV J6 .IVE +8 18
#note DEFI Ih best, mine 9th
>Jan_Hatton: CEORW 10F COWER +29 39
>Matthew_Ridout: DEEFINT 9I F.E +19 37
#note Mine was the best non-bngo - but missing INFECTED... oy veh.
>Jan_Hatton: Q 7G Q. +21 60
>Matthew_Ridout: DEFINOT G9 F.O +10 47
#note FON 11G best, mine 4th
>Jan_Hatton: LORU L9 LOUR +15 75
>Matthew_Ridout: DEEILNT H10 .INTLE +32 79
#note I chickened out on LENITED - a top 600-probability bingo.
>Jan_Hatton: BD 15G B.D +6 81
>Matthew_Ridout: CDEELMX M12 EXEC +28 107
#note MELD K11 best. CEDE/CLOUR (which I didn't know) a surprsing only-4th; mine off the board
>Jan_Hatton: AZ F14 ZA +38 119
>Matthew_Ridout: DLMNOPR 14J MOP.D +32 139
#note PORED 14J best, mine 8th (I was hoping Jan wouldn't think of the S backhook before I drew to it)
>Jan_Hatton: AW 15M .AW +27 146
>Matthew_Ridout: AALNORR 12J RA.. +4 143
#note NOLO K11 best, mine 6th
I'm surprised NOLO does so well, despite the points, becase of that awful leave

>Jan_Hatton: RSTTY K3 TRYST +25 171
>Matthew_Ridout: AALNOOR 4J O.A +6 149
#note NOTAL simmed best, mine 7th
I don't like risking the R/HAJ possibility here.
>Jan_Hatton: AET 13H .EA +9 180
>Matthew_Ridout: AALNORU 3H AUN. +7 156
#note ULNAR M3 best, mine outside top ten
>Jan_Hatton: BEM H1 BE.M +33 213
>Matthew_Ridout: AILNORT G4 OI +6 162
#note RARER 12J best, mine off the board
>Jan_Hatton: HO F5 OH +15 228
>Matthew_Ridout: AJLNNRT N10 JAR +31 193
#note Exch. JLNNT simmed best, mine 3rd
>Jan_Hatton: GRU 1E GRU. +7 235
>Matthew_Ridout: AELLNNT 5C TEL.. +10 203
#note LENT M4 best, mine 4th
>Jan_Hatton: DI 4C ID +14 249
>Matthew_Ridout: AEILNNT C3 N.. +6 209
#note INN 3A best, mine 9th
Looks too aggressive to me, even given how far behnd I am. I'm counting on the L hook for ORA, maybe too much
>Jan_Hatton: HSSUY M2 HUSSY +26 275
>Jan_Hatton: HSSUY -- -26 249
>Matthew_Ridout: ?AEGILN M1 pEALING +72 281
#note simmed best
>Jan_Hatton: EHSSUY 1K HY.ES +42 291
>Matthew_Ridout: ?IIKNTV 14A KIbIT. +36 317
#note KINo simmed best, with my off the board. However, Q doesn't know about VIN being valid,. not having the updated dictionary in it, and is likely worried about me getting V-stuck
>Jan_Hatton: IT 15A IT +26 317
>Matthew_Ridout: NOV O9 NO +11 328
#note DEVON was best, being the only outplay. I chickened out on it, thought mght be proper noun only.
>Jan_Hatton: DNSSU 4F D.. +13 330
>Matthew_Ridout: V D4 ..V +7 335
>Matthew_Ridout: (NSSU) +8 343
Player 2
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