Player 1 |
#player1 Eric_Yoder Eric Yoder
#player2 Matthew_Ridout Matthew Ridout
>Eric_Yoder: NPTU 8G PUNT +12 12
>Matthew_Ridout: AEMOORU K5 EURO +15 15
#note MEOU 9H sims best by a lot; mine 4th
>Eric_Yoder: CZ 6J C.Z +20 32
>Matthew_Ridout: ?AHIMOS L8 SHAMOIs +83 98
#note cHAMOIS 9E by a fair bt, mine 2nd
>Eric_Yoder: ENOV 11H VENO. +20 52
>Matthew_Ridout: ADLORRW 14E WARLORD. +65 163
#note only bingo
>Eric_Yoder: AIO H11 .OI.A +27 79
>Matthew_Ridout: EIIJKOS 9D KOJI +21 184
#note JOE 15S best, mine 2nd
>Eric_Yoder: AGINR D7 RA.ING +24 103
>Matthew_Ridout: DEINOSX 15A OXIDE +50 234
#note best
>Eric_Yoder: AMY 14A YAM +43 146
>Matthew_Ridout: DFLNRSS I13 F.N +21 255
#note FLUS H6 best, mine 3rd
>Eric_Yoder: AI E11 AI +11 157
>Matthew_Ridout: ?DELRSS 9D ....S +18 273
#note EDS M9 sims best, mine 5th
>Eric_Yoder: EF M12 EF +22 179
>Matthew_Ridout: ?DEELRS C2 RESoLED +72 345
#note HELP!
Mine scores at least fuve pts better than all other bingos simmed, eight better than Q's suggestion. So why does my move valuate at six pts worse?
>Eric_Yoder: CEEP 2B C.EEP +30 209
>Matthew_Ridout: DEEIITT 4C .ITED +12 357
#note DITE E4 best, mine 4th
>Eric_Yoder: GI F9 .IG +17 226
>Matthew_Ridout: AEGILNT 3G ATINGLE +74 431
#note effectively tied with ELATING, same spot
>Eric_Yoder: BEY L1 BE.Y +24 250
>Eric_Yoder: BEY -- -24 226
>Matthew_Ridout: ABEOTTU 1F OUTBEAT +84 515
#note ABOUT 1D was the best valid play
>Eric_Yoder: NWY 10K W.NY +23 249
>Matthew_Ridout: AHLQRUV 10C Q. +11 526
#note HURLY N6 best, mine 3rd
>Eric_Yoder: BEST F13 B.S +19 268
>Matthew_Ridout: AHLRUV 13B LA +24 550
#note 8A HADAL best, mine 5th
>Eric_Yoder: ET 5E ET +10 278
>Eric_Yoder: (HRUV) +20 298