Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Cheryl_Coovert Cheryl Coovert
#player2 Matthew_Ridout Matthew Ridout
>Cheryl_Coovert: ACY 8G CAY +16 16
>Matthew_Ridout: DDJNSST -DDJS +0 0
#note Q suggested pitching the T back as well, mine was second best
>Cheryl_Coovert: ELOSU J5 LOUSE +16 32
>Matthew_Ridout: AEHNSTT K9 HAT +17 17
>Cheryl_Coovert: EIP K4 PIE +16 48
>Matthew_Ridout: ENRSSTT H7 T.RTNESS +59 76
#note only playable bingo
>Cheryl_Coovert: DEIOV 13C VIDEO. +22 70
>Matthew_Ridout: BEEORUW L3 WOE +23 99
#note BOW 12D best, mine 3rd
>Cheryl_Coovert: ACEL E9 LACE. +16 86
>Matthew_Ridout: BEFNNRU D12 F.RN +26 125
#note BENNE 12D best, mine 6th
>Cheryl_Coovert: ?EGR 12H .aGER +17 103
>Matthew_Ridout: BENNRTU 14H .UBRENT +30 155
#note BUNN 15A best, mine 2nd
>Cheryl_Coovert: EK L12 .E.K +13 116
>Matthew_Ridout: ADEGINP 8A GENIP +38 193
#note HELP!
GAED M1 simmed best, mine 7th. It doesn't feel to me like INP is that much better than AD as a leave, and my choice scores ten more. Anyone have some insight?
>Cheryl_Coovert: LOOY 15A LOO.Y +24 140
>Matthew_Ridout: ADMNRTU 10J D.M +21 214
#note Affixes, Mattchew! UNDREAMT.
>Cheryl_Coovert: ABD - +0 140
#note exchange 3
>Matthew_Ridout: AAENRTU A4 RUNA.ATE +60 274
#note only playable bingo
>Cheryl_Coovert: AHJ 10D H.J +29 169
>Matthew_Ridout: AAADILX 4A .ADIAL +14 288
#note KAIL 15L best, mine tenth
>Cheryl_Coovert: QT E3 Q.T +24 193
>Matthew_Ridout: ADIINUX F1 AXI. +38 326
#note EAUX 13L sims best for percentage chances to win, where mine is 3rd. Mine performs best in terms of valuation
>Cheryl_Coovert: FGS 1E F.GS +24 217
>Matthew_Ridout: OVW M2 VOW +36 362
#note Did not record rack
>Cheryl_Coovert: ?Z 3B Za +35 252
>Matthew_Ridout: AINO 1L NAOI +25 387
#note Did not record rack
>Cheryl_Coovert: BEIIMOR M7 ROBE +17 269
>Matthew_Ridout: DIU N11 DUI. +5 392
>Matthew_Ridout: (IIM) +10 402
Player 2
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