Player 1 |
#player1 Thomas_Reinke Thomas Reinke
#player2 Marty_Marcus Marty Marcus
>Thomas_Reinke: AAEEIPY 8H AIYEE +18 18
#note PAYEE is better.
>Marty_Marcus: IQTU L4 QUIT. +28 28
>Thomas_Reinke: ADEEHNP 7G EPHA +32 50
>Marty_Marcus: ABLO 6I ABO.L +33 61
#note Underscored by 1
>Thomas_Reinke: CDDENSU 9F CUD +13 63
#note Same word at 6E doesn't block my other S hook.
>Marty_Marcus: HMO 6E OHM +20 81
>Thomas_Reinke: AADEENS 5E NAE +20 83
#note Planning to hook the S next turn for points.
>Marty_Marcus: AIJ M2 AJI +31 112
>Thomas_Reinke: ADEIOST 4D TOADIES +84 167
>Marty_Marcus: EW 3I WE +20 132
>Thomas_Reinke: ABEINNO 2I ABO +28 195
#note Sims close with 2I EONIAN, which I would play over this.
>Marty_Marcus: LRU F9 .URL +8 140
>Thomas_Reinke: EINNTUV 12D UN.IVE +26 221
#note I didn't see VULN, because new words are hard. I think I play this anyway, there are still a bunch of good bingoey tiles to draw.
>Marty_Marcus: AEGPR 13A GRAPE +22 162
>Thomas_Reinke: DEINRTT 13I TRIDENT +71 292
>Marty_Marcus: EKLOOR 11I LOOKER +23 185
>Thomas_Reinke: ?CMSTTX K10 C.M.X +16 308
#note TOXIC in the same spot sets up my S in a theoretical universe where I am aware that TOXIC takes an S.
>Marty_Marcus: EEIII -IIIEE +0 185
>Thomas_Reinke: ?EFOSTT N10 F.O.T +32 340
#note 11B FETORS blocks triple-triples, which he could easily have now.
>Marty_Marcus: AZ 3C ZA +24 209
>Thomas_Reinke: ??EGSST O5 STinGES +84 424
#note 2H SABOTAGE is totally rad, gives me two spots to triple-triple with both blanks in hand. Also of note: 10 turns into the game, a TWS finally gets played on.
>Marty_Marcus: I L11 .I. +24 233
>Thomas_Reinke: DGNNORW A13 .OD +15 439
#note I'm done worrying about this spot now.
>Marty_Marcus: EFIY B10 FIE.Y +48 281
>Thomas_Reinke: GINNNRW 2D WING +16 455
>Marty_Marcus: LRSV 11A V.S +6 287
>Thomas_Reinke: NNR 10E R.N +5 460
#note Missing his out.
>Marty_Marcus: LR 2M .R +4 291
#note Which is 2I ABORAL
>Thomas_Reinke: N 5K N. +8 468
>Thomas_Reinke: (L) +2 470
#note Final score recorded as 470-290