Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Dan_Stock Dan Stock
#player2 Jason Jason
>Dan_Stock: ABC 8G CAB +14 14
>Jason: AEGISST J8 SAGIEST +72 72
#note "OK," I think. Two more S's and both blanks and we'll have equalized the round 12 debacle! :) And then, "OMG, round 12 was my last loss? Seriously?"
>Dan_Stock: AMP I10 AMP +18 32
>Jason: BEFHINR K9 NEB +30 102
#note Looked for the four-overlap play, but missed HERN anyway.
>Dan_Stock: AELX H12 AXEL +42 74
#note Scored as 41 and uncorrected.
>Jason: DFHIJOR G12 JO +33 135
#note Behind (S)HOJI at 13J and FJORDI(C). Not bad, though.
>Dan_Stock: AY 14F AY. +21 95
>Jason: DFHINOR F13 F.D +20 155
#note Q likes F(A)N and F(A) ahead of this ... why? It also likes FOR(AGE)D and FID at L8 too.
>Dan_Stock: FOU 14J .OFU +7 102
>Jason: DHIKNOR 15M HOD +26 181
#note Nice try, Stocky.
>Dan_Stock: IIII -IIII +0 102
>Jason: ?EIIKNR L12 KI. +20 201
#note I missed kINKIER (and hINKIER and dINKIER)! And when am I ever gonna get the chance to play kINKIER again?
>Dan_Stock: ADEGIST L3 AGISTED +74 176
#note Did he just miss that it's five more one down? Also scored as 72.
>Jason: ?EEILNR O8 REcLINE. +77 278
>Dan_Stock: CDIMOOR M3 MOD +26 202
#note Stocky's chuckling by the time he gets to tile number five, and the chuckles increase when looking at the last two. He kind of sighs and says "remind me to tell you about this rack after the game," and I put a little asterisk on my scoresheet. Then, after a little while, he says "Oh, I'm not winning this game anyway," and shows me MICRODO(T). "I mean, what're the odds this would come up after talking about it at dinner last night?" I didn't have the heart to say "I didn't have dinner with you last night and I've never seen that word before." Also, Stocky's a math guy but this is his third mistake. It's scored as 27. Remember how I always count my opponents' plays at the beginning of a tourney, when I'm focused, and don't do it at the end? Exhibit A. (P.S. Quackle likes MODI there.)
>Jason: EEEILLU K5 LEU +18 296
#note And when he said "I'm not winning this game anyway," I wanted to say "you obviously didn't see what I drew."
>Dan_Stock: CINORV H2 CORVIN. +13 215
>Jason: AEEILWW 15A WAILE. +33 329
#note Didn't know WAWLE(D).
>Dan_Stock: RTU N2 RUT +15 230
>Jason: EEEIOOW -EEOOW +0 329
#note At this point, I thought "You know, for drawing well, I'm not drawing that well." Call me Yogi. Q likes WOOE(R) at 4D. Keeping the I may be counter-intuitive, but I'm picking from a bag including ?QSZ; which power tile am I most likely to pick? I need Q insurance.
>Dan_Stock: IOSYZ B10 ZOYSI. +76 306
#note Yikes! What happened to "I'm not winning this game anyway"? Looks like there's work to do... (Dan admitted fishing for this after the game.)
>Jason: AEIPQTT N12 QI +24 353
#note Knock playing Scrabble by Murphy's Law if you must, but it paid off here. But Q wants me to just dump it for 11 and keep the I? What is that, sarcasm? Is AEIPTT that good a leave?
>Dan_Stock: EW O1 WE +17 323
>Jason: AENPRTT 3B PATENT.R +74 427
#note He held, but I don't think he ever seriously considered challenging.
>Dan_Stock: R 11B .R +2 325
>Jason: ?AHNOTU D7 OUTHANg +73 500
>Jason: ?AHNOTU -- -73 427
#note This is just an inexcusable mistake, especially since I had 9+ minutes left when the game was over. Like I said, you wouldn't have known I was 12-6 by how I looked after this game. I liked it better than OU(T)THANk and whiffed on HANgOUT and HANdOUT; although while on hold, Stocky said "OUTHANG, HANGOUT" and I had to work to keep a poker face while feeling about two feet tall. I'm still p*ssed at myself about it.
>Dan_Stock: EEGINRV D6 REGIVEN +79 404
#note And of course he has the only playable bingo given the unseen pool. I deserve that. Maybe now I'll get it through my thick skull: "Stop needlessly rushing!"
>Jason: ?AHNOTU 8A TOU.H +27 454
#note Cost myself another seven by not playing HAlON at 4A.
>Dan_Stock: O B2 O. +8 412
#note Like I said, only I can win a bagging like this by 40. OUTTHANk, I win by 163. HANgOUT or HANdOUT, 146. Instead, 40 at a point where spread matters and I'm trying to win a g**d*** tournament. Nice, genius. But, if I'd looked at the standings now posted on my fridge after this round, immediately ahead of Bowman, Epstein, Mills, and Berofsky (all 1780+) I would've seen little ol' 1661-rated me leading the tournament.
>Dan_Stock: (?AN) +4 416
Player 2
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