Player 1 |
#player1 Charles_Reinke Charles Reinke
#player2 Bruce_D'Ambrosio Bruce D'Ambrosio
>Charles_Reinke: AIKLNNO H7 KIN +14 14
#note KAOLIN you dummy.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: ABMMO 6G MAMBO +25 25
>Charles_Reinke: AALNNOU I6 .ANO +20 34
#note (M)ANUAL looks to be better, I missed it.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: ACDEIT 8H ..DICATE +42 67
>Charles_Reinke: AAHLNUW 5K WHA +28 62
#note Didn't like the closed-ish board after 7M HAW.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: EIRU L8 .URIE +14 81
>Charles_Reinke: AGILNTU 4K TUNA +26 88
#note Somehow the thought of 4L UT never even crossed my mind. I was thinking about trying to retain an ING leave but I didn't connect that with playing UT for 16.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: EESX O1 EXES +42 123
>Charles_Reinke: BCGILRY 11K B.LGY +22 110
#note CYLI(X) is certainly correct even though the leave of BGR sucks compared to CIR. Again, didn't see it.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: EFT N1 FET. +39 162
>Charles_Reinke: ?ACILOR 5A LORICAe +69 179
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: EPY 4B YEP +31 193
>Charles_Reinke: AAINOTW 6A OW +32 211
#note Thought AAINT was better than AINOT given the O-to-A ratio in the bag.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: QT M7 Q.T +26 219
>Charles_Reinke: AAAINNT A5 ..AN +12 223
#note N10 A(G)AIN would be better. The ANT leave is compatible with the E's, I's, R's, and S's in the bag.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: IZ N6 ZI. +43 262
>Charles_Reinke: AAINSTU N11 .AUN +10 233
#note Setting up my T. I could also leave it open to bait GAUN(S)*. PI(U) is interesting; AAINST bingos with half the pool.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: ELOORR E5 .OLORER +18 280
>Charles_Reinke: AINSSTV 15L VATS +39 272
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: EH F10 HE +28 308
>Charles_Reinke: GIJLNSS 12B JIGS +34 306
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: DOP 13A POD +27 335
>Charles_Reinke: EGLNRSV B12 ..G +22 328
#note Fishing for an I. V(INDICATE) is cool but not that much better. Quackle likes 8C VL(O)G, probably because there are a lot of juicy vowels for the ENRS leave.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: DEE 9B DEE. +6 341
>Charles_Reinke: EILNRSV 15B SILVERN +95 423
#note Fishing trip a success! Unlike the last time I played SILVERN against Bruce, the hook I make is perfectly valid.
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: ?EIIOTU 14H ETUI +8 349
>Charles_Reinke: DFR D8 D.F +23 446
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: ?IO F2 IOt. +5 354
>Bruce_D'Ambrosio: (R) +2 356