Player 1 |
#player1 Verbie Verbie
#player2 B_Cornelison B Cornelison
>Verbie: AAAEELO H6 ALAE +8 8
#note Punt 4 leaving AEL is +4.
>B_Cornelison: HOY G9 HOY +22 22
>Verbie: AEMOPTW I6 TAMP +32 40
#note I completely whiff on F10. WOP is +13, 5 in raw score plus the leave improvement (AEMT vs EOW)
>B_Cornelison: ACEPRST 12F CARPETS +84 106
#note PREACTS 12D is +4
>Verbie: AEEEFOW 11J WEE +23 63
#note right place, wrong execution. OWE 11I scores 2 more.
>B_Cornelison: ABDIR M7 BRAID +20 126
>Verbie: ?AEEFOY 8L F.AY +42 105
>B_Cornelison: BTU G4 BUT +8 134
>Verbie: ?EEEIOV H2 VOE +12 117
#note Right tiles, wrong place! ROVE H12 for +9
>B_Cornelison: DEU H12 .UDE +15 149
>Verbie: ?EEHIOT I12 .HOT +27 144
#note HE I3 is registered as 5 better. I'll have to look again as to why.
>B_Cornelison: AX L8 .AX.. +26 175
>Verbie: ?EEIIQR -EIQ +0 144
#note Quacky wants to burn the blank with QuIRE J2 41, but only by 4 over this leave.
>B_Cornelison: EGI 2F GI.E +12 187
>Verbie: ??EGIIR 1I REInInG +70 214
#note I miss the TATE hook again, as GRIpIEr J1 is +9.
>B_Cornelison: EIRZ 14H ..ZIER +36 223
>Verbie: CENNOOQ 15L NEON +20 234
#note I looked at NONCE E1. I should have looked more seriously, as that's a 4 point improvement on this.
>B_Cornelison: AW 13M AW +16 239
>Verbie: CDLLOOQ O3 COLDL. +13 247
#note COAL N6 is +3.
>B_Cornelison: GNU 4G ..GUN +8 247
>Verbie: AINOOQT 1E QAT +17 264
>B_Cornelison: MO F10 MO. +28 275
>Verbie: FIINOOR 3C INFO +18 282
>B_Cornelison: EISV E3 .IVES +22 297
>Verbie: EILNORU 5J NU +10 292
#note Better to just drop the U (AMU 8H 5). But is it really 10 points better equity? RECARPETS is fun too, but not quite worth it.
>B_Cornelison: DIKNR 13B DRINK +32 329
>Verbie: EIJLORT 2A JOLE +26 318
#note um... JOLTIER D9? -9
>B_Cornelison: SS J3 S..S +12 341
>B_Cornelison: (IRT) +6 347
#note total equity loss: 72