Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Thomas_Reinke Thomas Reinke
#player2 Charles_Reinke Charles Reinke
>Thomas_Reinke: EEEEIOW -EEEIOW +0 0
>Charles_Reinke: IOOTTUX H6 OXO +20 20
>Thomas_Reinke: ?CEEIOU 6F CO.EE +15 15
#note T: Quackle is not taking into account the severe psychological ramifications of exchanging twice in a row when telling me to exchange again.
>Charles_Reinke: ADEITTU K4 AUDIT +21 41
>Thomas_Reinke: ?AINTUU J8 UNAU +8 23
>Charles_Reinke: EEHLMNT L1 HELM +34 75
>Thomas_Reinke: ?IJOTTV J2 JOT +31 54
>Charles_Reinke: ADEGNRT G8 GRANTED +64 139
>Thomas_Reinke: ?CILRTV 13F V.RTICiL +76 130
#note T: Played this because I didn't know if VERTICAL took an S. It does.
>Charles_Reinke: ?AEILNO M1 ANIsOLE +80 219
>Thomas_Reinke: AEEEQTY 11I Q.EY +32 162
#note T: Passing up 12L QAT. This keeps a better leave, and I'm not going to open up a huge S spot when there are 4 unseen and my opponent just bingoed.
>Charles_Reinke: ADDEIPR F10 PA +22 241
#note C: There aren't many options here. I want the board to remain closed since I have a bingo-sized lead.
>Thomas_Reinke: ABEEIKT 1L ..IK +33 195
#note T: HAKE in the same spot is way better according to Quackle, whose judgment I have come to trust.
>Charles_Reinke: DDEGIRW N1 .D +14 255
#note C: I considered N5 WIDDER or WIDER but really didn't want to open column O that much. My play is the best that doesn't open anything for my stupid brother.
>Thomas_Reinke: AABEERT E11 BA +18 213
#note T: 12G TEA looks good. This isn't so bad, but only because there are no great options.
>Charles_Reinke: DEFGIRW D12 FRIG +30 285
>Thomas_Reinke: AEENNRT 15A RAN.E +18 231
#note T: Again, no great options.
>Charles_Reinke: DEFIVWY N7 FIVE +17 302
#note C: There are still 4 S's out. Time to kill the S hook on VERTICIL. I'm not too concerned about sixes starting at 010.
>Thomas_Reinke: AENRSTW O4 WANTS +48 279
>Charles_Reinke: DGMOUWY 14A OY +22 324
#note C: Quackle likes B12 YUG(A) quite a bit more than anything else. Column A after that play isn't a very good bingo lane at all, and I have the M to go at A12. Still, I think this paranoid play makes it hard for me to lose unless he hits a Z-bomb on column O.
>Thomas_Reinke: AEEHNRS G5 H. +5 284
#note T: Feebly setting up my S. Maybe he can't block?
>Charles_Reinke: DGIIMUW 4G MU +13 337
#note C: S(HO)+ makes this spot way too good. Blocking is the only reasonable option.
>Thomas_Reinke: AEENORS M11 SO.A +21 305
#note T: More hooks for me. Nothing I can do seems to give me a good chance.
>Charles_Reinke: DGIIISW N13 SIG +25 362
>Thomas_Reinke: DEENORS F2 ORE +10 315
#note T: 10E OPA is what I was looking for. I can draw RESINED or SNEERED, and he'll be hard pressed to block.
>Charles_Reinke: DEEIITW 1D WITED +43 405
>Thomas_Reinke: BELNRSZ H13 .EZ +39 354
>Charles_Reinke: EIP 2B PIE +15 420
#note C: Uh...WIPE?
>Charles_Reinke: (BLNRS) +14 434
Player 2
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