Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Sam Sam
#player2 Mike_Frentz Mike Frentz
>Sam: EFINNRS 8D FINER +24 24
#note Finally forewent a phony (FINNERS*). FIN is about a point better, as it's five points more defensive (which I may have overlooked).
>Mike_Frentz: AIORSTW F2 WAITRO.S +71 71
>Sam: ?DNRRSX 3E R.X +18 42
>Mike_Frentz: EHIW 5C WHI.E +22 93
>Sam: ?DINRSU I2 DURIoNS +68 110
#note Make that FINERS*, and add that one to the Lipkin chart (I left it off). There aren't any playable, acceptable bingos here.
>Mike_Frentz: BOO 4B BOO +25 118
>Sam: AAELOPY 3A PAY +38 148
>Mike_Frentz: MO A1 MO. +21 139
>Sam: AAAEELO 4H A.EOLAE +16 164
#note I hated making this play because it blew the board wide open, but I don't think there was any choice.
>Mike_Frentz: EJT 3K JET +35 174
>Sam: ABKPTVY K3 ..KY +36 200
>Mike_Frentz: ACILU L6 AULIC +13 187
>Sam: ABEGPTV 7E B.P +21 221
#note Must not have seen VEEP N2, a better play.
>Mike_Frentz: EFTU 8K F.UTE +24 211
>Sam: AEGGSTV 9C GAG. +19 240
>Mike_Frentz: HIT D8 ..ITH +22 233
>Sam: AEERSTV N2 VE. +23 263
>Mike_Frentz: AEZ N6 ZE.A +33 266
>Sam: AEEIRST 11D .REATISE +82 345
>Mike_Frentz: ACO C12 OCA +15 281
>Sam: GILNNOT 14A LO.NING +20 365
#note I thought for a while about this play, and I don't think I made the right choice. Perhaps I was a little too obsessed with blocking the OCAS hook? The sim's favorite is NOTING 12G, which leaves four in the bag (like LOANING) and puts me up 91. Even if Mike bingos on row 15, I can probably still win. The problem with LOANING is that there are still tons of triple-triples in the bag with the blank out, not to mention easy plays like QUILL or VELD.
>Mike_Frentz: EIMNQUV H1 QI +36 317
>Sam: DMNOSTU 12K MOUND +24 389
#note DEMOUNTS is a horrific miss. I was so focused on blocking that I didn't even look for a bingo. DEMOUntS only loses to RoNDELLE, which is a tough find. The sim likes OD 2A slightly better in win% than DEMOUNTS and MOUND (which are tied). Don't know if I agree with that. After any of those three plays, I think RoNDELLE is the only way to win it, though it might be winnable with other bingos after OD. DEMOUNTS has to be the right play, followed by MOUND.
>Mike_Frentz: ?DDELRV A12 VE.D +36 353
>Sam: ENST 13J NEST +19 408
>Sam: (DLR?) +8 416
Player 2
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